There is no break from school, no trip to grandma’s house, no hike in the mountains, swim at the beach, or day at the theme park.
Dear Friends of Rapha House,
The truth is that trafficked children get no summer vacation.
There is no break from school, no trip to grandma’s house, no hike in the mountains, swim at the beach, or day at the theme park. Summer vacation doesn’t come for exploited girls.
However, summer brings the challenge of reduced financial giving which can hinder our ability to deliver the quality programs that mean love, rescue, and healing for the girls Rapha House serves. For this reason, I’m writing today to ask for your financial help. |
This year, we have kept our spending within our budgeted levels, but unfortunately, our giving this year is down by nearly $200,000. This type of shortfall can place the quality care of these children in jeopardy. We want to act now to prevent any further shortfall. If everyone that reads this could simply make an additional $50 gift this month, our budget would be back in line and Rapha House would remain financially strong in providing loving care and consistent high-quality services for these child survivors.
Thank you for considering what part you can play in supporting these innocent victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Your generous gift can be given at the link below.
Your consistent partnership means the world to the children we serve at Rapha House.
Thank you, friend!
With gratitude,
Stephanie G. Freed
Executive Director and Co-Founder
Rapha House International
P.S. We know that keeping Rapha House services consistently in place matters to you – so, please also consider joining us as a monthly partner. |