Updates from Togo Christian Mission


  Date: November 13th, 2017



First we would like to apologize for the length of time it has been since we have sent out an update!  The past few months have been busy with visiting partners and supporting Churches.  We loved the time we were able to fellowship with so many of you, but regret that we were unable to visit everyone this trip.  We had schedule conflicts as we had some issues come up during this trip that made some of our program get cut short.  We do hope and pray for an opportunity to visit with those of you that we were unable to reach this visit during our next visit stateside.


(Some pictures from Sara and the kids time at Camp Pitt.  We had such a great time sharing and spending time with the campers!  A huge thanks to Scott for inviting us out and partnering with us!)


This fall we were encouraged to share with you, our partners, about what God has been doing in Togo.  It is mutually encouraging to spend time with others who both want to hear about the work and encourage us in it.


(Dovene sharing during spiritual emphasis week at Terra Ceia Christian School)


During the month of October the mission was able to have Kimberly Strunk return to serve with us in Togo.  Kimberly was an intern in previous years and now is going to be helping us reorganize and develop our student sponsorship program.  While she was in Togo she was busy collecting information, videos, and pictures to be able to share with our current and future sponsors.  She is always a joy to have and we are thankful for her fellowship and encouragement.  Please pray that God will help her in this new way of partnering with us.


(Kimberly taking a break to hang out with the kids and love on them like she does best!)


Dovene actually was able to return to Togo in the end of October.  He was needed for some projects at the farm, so his trip was cut a bit shorter.  I, Sara, and the kids have remained in the US a couple more weeks as the cost of changing our tickets would have been significant.


However, tomorrow (November 14th) I (Sara) and the kids will be traveling to return to Togo.  We are excited to jump back into serving and sharing at the clinic and aiding the ministry however we can.  Trips to the states are encouraging but we also are ready to jump back in and serve and share truth with our people in Togo.


The first reason we are asking for prayer specifically is for traveling with a two year old and a four year old, of course, but there is another reason as well.  Over the past couple months there has been a level of unrest that has been building in Togo.  Opposition parties are asking the president to step down from power.  There have been many protests.  These protests are scheduled to continue this week as well, starting Tuesday and finishing on Saturday.  As we will be arriving on Wednesday, we ask for prayers for a peaceful road back to Vogan.  Pray that roads are not blocked and for peace, please.  Please keep the nation of Togo in your prayers in the days to come. 


We are also asking some specific prayers for spiritual protection from the attacks of Satan over our families.  Satan always fights hardest when something great is going to happen in the kingdom, so will you please join us in prayer over our families specifically?  Please pray for our family mentally, physically, and spiritually.


We also would like to share a huge praise as well.  As many of you know, during our time here in the US we have been fund-raising for a family/ministry vehicle.  We are so excited to announce that between what we have received and what has been pledged we are at goal!  We are so thankful for all of you who have given towards this.  Many individuals and Churches have contributed towards this.  We would like to say a special thanks to Park Avenue Church of Christ who gave above and beyond for a total of $12,000 towards this purchase.  May God richly bless each of you who have given so generously.  This vehicle will be a huge blessing for the mission and keep us mobile in many of the communities we reach out to.  Pray that God would guide us in the future purchase that the vehicle would serve us for many years.

Connect with us!

Twitter:  tcmconnect








  • Provision of funds and pledges to help  us reach our fund-raising goal to purchase a vehicle

  • Encouraging time spent with partners here in the US

  • God’s protection over our workers and team mates in Togo despite the unrest





  • Prayers for Sara, Nathan, and Hannah as they fly back to Togo on Nov 14-15
  • Prayers for peaceful travel from the airport to Vogan on Wednesday, November 15th
  • Prayers against the spiritual attacks of Satan on our families
  • Prayers for the nation of Togo in the midst of unrest
  • Prayers for Kimberly as she works to develop the student sponsorship program

To Support Togo Christian Mission:

Please send checks written out to “Outreach International” with “TCM” written in the memo.  If you have a specific project you would like to donate towards please be sure to include this as well.

(Example: for funds to go towards Dovene’s airfare designate “TCM-Airfare” in the memo line)

Checks may be mailed to:

Outreach International
PO Box 272
Shelbyville, MO 63469