Updates from Togo Christian Mission
  Date: July 20th, 2015


School Closing Ceremony


(Hammer sharing during the closing ceremony for the school)


School is officially out for the summer here at Togo Christian Mission.  We had an amazing year here with the students.  The kids came out with fantastic results on their government exams as well.  99% of our 6th grade students passed their government exams and 90% of all our students (1st to 6th grade) passed their government exams and are able to move on to the next grade!


(Our school cooks, Tassi and Ablavi, serving with glad hearts as always as they distribute the food to the children during the festivities of the closing ceremony)


The last day of school was full of celebration too.  The staff helped set up a “market” where the children used “money” the staff made to purchase items such as notebooks, pencils, shoes, toothbrushes, and toys.  Those who scored at the top of their class even received a little bonus money.  We also had a celebration time with songs, dancing, and time to recognize the students and staff for their hard work. 



(The students picking out their goods at the “market”)



New Addition to Team Togo…



Our group here at Togo Christian Mission keeps growing.  This past month, on July 7th Dovene and Sara were blessed with the addition of a beautiful baby girl.  Her name is Hannah Marie.  We are so thankful that Sara was blessed with a healthy pregnancy and delivery, and that Hannah Marie is healthy as well.  God answers every prayer.  During this pregnancy we prayed that God would help the baby to come at term so she could be well developed and healthy, and she was born exactly on her due date.  God truly does have a sense of humor sometimes!


So with Hannah Marie’s birth Dovene and Sara have now been able to return home to Vogan and are glad to be back and be getting back into the work and community.  (They had been staying in Lome due to rough road conditions requiring them to be a little closer to the hospital).  Please continue to pray for a great recovery for Sara and a smooth transition for Hannah Marie and their family as they adjust to life as a family of four.


Connect with us!

Twitter:  tcmconnect






  • For the safe and healthy arrival of Dovene and Sara’s daughter Hannah Marie


  • For a successful school year coming to a close.  One more year of students learning with excellence and growing closer to God.

  • For God’s continued provision through you, our partners to continue to minister and reach out to the Watchi tribe.





  • Pray for the farm land purchase.  We have the funds ready to purchase farm land for the pineapple farm but finding quality land with no legal issues has been a challenge.  Pray that God would continue to direct us and give us wisdom.

  • For the construction of the middle school to finish.  Concrete costs have risen and the project has taken more than expected to complete.  We are still in need of funds to complete the floor and ceiling.  Please pray with us for these to be provided for us to finish the construction before school starts back in October.

  • For all of us to be continually focused on creating more disciples in every opportunity we are given.

  • For Kimberly, who will be finishing up her internship here on August 11th.  Pray for her as she finishes strong and as she returns that God would continue to direct all her steps.





To Support Togo Christian Mission:

Please send checks written out to “Outreach International” with “TCM” written in the memo.  If you have a specific project you would like to donate towards please be sure to include this as well.

Checks may be mailed to:

Outreach International
PO Box 272
Shelbyville, MO 63469



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