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Ministry Update

The past couple of weeks have included some fabulous times of meeting with others who are passionate about making disciples. It is always an encouragement to engage with like-minded men and women who are involved in innovative ways of connecting and communicating the gospel in their local communities across the UK. Our CfH team is especially excited that the upcoming holiday season allows for additional opportunities to meet and interact with the Summerfield community and explore ways to build deeper, more Christ-centered relationships.

Please pray people we have invited confirm attendance at the Forge Taster Day this Saturday (2 Dec). Our numbers are currently lower than expected and hoped.

Family Update

We thoroughly enjoyed our 4-week visit with Andrew and were sad to see him wing his way back to California on the 17th. Aside from a delay in receiving one piece of luggage and some pretty rough turbulence on his second flight, his return to the US was reasonably straightforward. Please pray for him as he escalates his job search and takes one or two classes at the local community college beginning in January. Jess told us recently that she can’t wait to come to England for Christmas – and we can’t wait for her to be here! Although our family will be in two different countries over the holidays, we are forever grateful for Facetime that keeps us closely connected across the miles.

We are grateful for you!
Yarn bombing on the Crescent.

Prayer: 28th Nov – 18th Dec

28th Nov Tammy/Tim at Summerfield Place of Welcome; Equip mentoring session (Jacob); Discipling Skype call with Emily.
29th T&T in FCC NLT meeting; Food & Faith evening.
30th Tim meets with Larry for prayer and accountability.
1st Dec Forge coaching session (Agnes & Francis); Tim meets Simon for lunch (pray for a spiritual conversation!).
2nd Forge Taster Day in anticipation of our 2018 hub commencing in March; Winson Greeners monthly litter pick; Summerfield Sessions (community music evening) featuring Christmas tunes!
3rd, 10th & 17th Rhema / Eritrean youth discipleship and English language worship service.
4th, 11th & 18th CfH prayer and forward planning.
4th to 15th Mentoring sessions with Equip Britain team members: Jenn, Robyn, Jeff/Megan, Nathanael, and Jacob.

Rosalee was inducted as Principal of Redcliffe College last week.
5th & 12th Tammy at Summerfield Place of Welcome;
6th Neighbour Night #3! Pray for people of peace to become known to us.
7th T&T enjoy a day off together.
9th Skype mentoring with Brenda/Miguel (La Paz, Mexico).
11th T&T in Church Planting Coordinator’s advisory group meeting.
12th Angel’s (Siamese cat #2) 17th birthday.
13th Equip Britain team skype call with Seth in New York City.
14th Tim meets with Larry for prayer and accountability.
15th T&T enjoy their day off together!
17th T&T celebrate their 34th wedding anniversary and Jess celebrates her 30th birthday by arriving in England today!!!
We celebrated Thanksgiving twice!

Special Prayer Requests

•    Simon, Ryan and Lauren who are still grieving and now face the sadness of their first holiday season without Donna; pray for us and them as we connect for more conversations about Jesus.
•    Equip participants: Jacob, Jeff, Jennifer, Megan, Nathanael and Robyn as the holidays approach.
•    S and N, two Muslim women with whom Tammy has been recently enjoying many spiritual conversations. Please pray for already soft hearts to be touched in a deep and profound way with the love of Christ.
•    We know that—for many—Christmas is a season filled with anxiety rather than celebration. Please join with us as we pray for those for whom this season is dreaded rather than happily anticipated.

Share our prayer requests with friends and church family, but please do not post them on the web or attempt to contact individuals via any form of social media such as Facebook. Thank you for your understanding.

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Issue 211, 28 November 2017