You can download a print version of the PrayerFlash! here.

Ministry Update

Hi Reggie. The summer school holidays have arrived! With only 6 weeks off school, many of our regular activities either stop or slow considerably due to absences while families are traveling. We recently completed our second Forge Midlands training weekend; weekend three is scheduled for October and 2018 training weekends have been scheduled. Please continue to pray for Larry, Ryan, Vanessa, Astrid, Agnes, Francis, Abraham and Ermias as they put their training into action in their local situations.

Final preparations for the arrival of our first Equip Britain cohort are keeping us occupied: accommodation has been secured and gathering various housekeeping bits and bobs is underway and will soon be complete. Please keep Megan, Jeff, Robyn, Jennifer, Jacob and Nathanael in your prayers as they await arrival of visas and wing their way across the pond later this month. Pray for a quick processing of their visa applications by the British govt.

Please keep reading below, praying as you go. Hugs!

Brian, Barb, Tammy, Patty, and Tim spending a couple of days together. These three precious friends are not followers of Jesus….yet! Pray for the gospel to take root.

Prayer Diary: 8th to 25th Aug

8th, 15th & 22nd Tammy participates in the Summerfield Place of Welcome.
8th Friends and CfH teammates Sam and Rosalee help celebrate Tammy’s birthday at our favorite Birmingham sushi spot.
9th Tammy helps CMF teammate Teresa with ‘kitting out’ Equip Britain flats.
10th We meet Amber (friend of a friend) who just moved to Birmingham for a mission placement in a predominantly muslim community.
11th Tim meets with Larry for prayer and accountability. Further visits during the day with Donna/Simon.
12th & 13th Tim in Nottingham for the National Ice Hockey Referee Conference.
13th & 20th Rhema/Eritrean youth discipleship and English language worship service.
15th Tim meets with Matt over Skype for mutual prayer and encouragement.
18th to 20th T&T in Gloucestershire for Adam and Lizzie’s wedding in which Tim is participating.
22nd Projected arrival of Equip Britain participants. Pray, pray, pray for Visas to be received on time!
23rd Tim participates in an FCC Create Leaders Conference planning meeting.
24th Tim meets with Larry for prayer and accountability.

Family Update

Andrew and Jess are grateful for air conditioning during this very hot month in Folsom. Jess spent last weekend in Las Vegas visiting one of her ‘besties’ — university roommate Caitie, husband Drew and new son Mason. She loves being Auntie Jay and is completely besotted! Tim’s dad (Roland) is doing fairly well in assisted living, though he continues to struggle with painful knees that make walking a challenge.

Special Prayer Requests

Many of our precious friends and family are facing difficult life circumstances. Please join with us in prayer for the following:
•    CMF teammate David recently lost his father. He will soon return from the US following the funeral and care of practical details.
•    Neighbor Abid recently lost his father after an extended illness in hospital.
•    Friends Donna/Simon (sea cadets) facing Donna’s terminal cancer diagnosis.
•    Friends Amy/Dan dealing with the news that Amy is facing probable cancer treatment.
•    CMF teammates Aaron & Diane traveling to the US next week. Diane’s father’s health is in serious decline.
•    CMF teammate Larry whose father, brother and sister recently experienced major surgeries.
•    Madeleine – friend and former CfH intern. Her mom is now recuperating at home following treatment for a minor heart attack and serious infection.
•    Friend Anton (Dickens Heath) lost his father on 4th August after a battle with dementia.

Above: We recently hosted Rhema Eritrean youth for a movie night and BBQ.
Below: On-site visit with a missional practitioner at our last Forge weekend.
Above & Below: Companions for Hope helped with a local community fun day.

Immigration and Asylum

Regular readers of the PrayerFlash and prayer partners will know that our local community has many immigrants and asylum seekers. Our involvement with Rhema church and our Eritrean brothers and sisters and other ethnic churches in the Fellowship of Churches of Christ brings to us difficult stories of immigration, persecution, and failed applications for residency. One of our sister churches has a family whose story has been detailed in a national newspaper. You might find the story interesting and also a matter for prayer. Click here and you’ll be able to read the article.

Share our prayer requests with friends and church family, but please do not post them on the web or attempt to contact individuals via any form of social media such as Facebook. Thank you for your understanding.

For a pdf version of this PrayerFlash!, please click here.
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