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Ministry Update

Hi Reggie, jet lag and dealing with the consequences of stolen personal items / passports continue to be factors in the resumption of ministry following our recent trip to America. Tim had all his luggage along with clothes, iPad, laptop and USA/UK passports stolen from the back seat of our rental car the day before our family gathering to remember Tammy’s mum. Thank you for your very kind messages of care and support during our season of grief complicated by these unexpected circumstances. We are grateful that our God is bigger than all of our troubles and continually demonstrates his love and grace in easing us through these challenges.

Our local Companions for Hope team continue to explore ways to develop and deepen relationships in our community. On our website ( we speak of ‘the edge effect’ – the interface between two systems where the greatest degree of diversity tends to occur and niche communities can develop. It is on these ‘edges’ – our Bus Stop Café, the Prison Visitors Centre Garden, the weekly neighborhood Place of Welcome, etc. – where we are spending time building relationships and working to cultivate abundant community. Sadly, in the next fortnight we say farewell to Madeleine who will be moving on to start a Master’s degree in Oxford this autumn.

With approximately two months remaining before the arrival of the first Equip Britaincohort participants, please be praying for Jeff, Megan, Jennifer, Nathanael, Jacob and Robyn to complete their support raising and receive visas, and for housing and other logistics to be sorted on this side of the pond.

Please keep reading below, praying as you go. Hugs!

Above – Rhema church leaders came to our home to love and encourage us after Tammy’s mum passed away. They brought food and prepared it in our kitchen. From left: Tammy, Paul, Hannah, Salem, Cosmas, Sami, and Bereket.

Below – we met up last week with Emily and Brenda/Miguel as we journey with them in following Jesus. Emily is influencing her boyfriend Dom whilst helping her mum Carol to follow Jesus. Brenda and Miguel we befriended in January; we are helping them discern God’s leading in missional initiatives. They return home to Mexico in September after time in Italy and Germany.

Prayer Diary: June

21st, 28th, 5th, 12th, 19th CfH (Companions for Hope) Visitors Centre Community Garden and Bus Stop Café.
22nd Forge Midlands planning and skype with Trevor.
23rd Tim in a Create Conference planning meeting; social evening with Pete/Nance (vicar of the local Anglican church).
24th Litter Pick / Bus Stop Café with CfH and Winson Greeners; Forge Midlands Peer group gathering.
25th, 2nd, 9th, 16th Rhema/Eritrean youth discipleship and English language worship service.
27th, 4th, 11th, 18th Summerfield Place of Welcome and Garden
27th CfH gathering for prayer/planning.
30th FCC National Leadership Team meeting.

We had our British passports for all of 8 days before they were stolen. Hey! They stole that shirt Tim was wearing in this photo too!

Family Update

Our time with family for Mom’s memorial gathering was both sad and sweet. As we shared memories and made new ones, we felt blessed beyond measure that though our gathering brought grief, being together was filled with the joy of being family and privilege of celebrating Mom and her unique impact on our lives. Andrew and Jess were able to be with us for five days. Our time together also included a lunch with treasured friends from our university days who traveled to meet us. Jess has just purchased tickets for a Christmas visit to keep her visa status current; Andrew is thinking of a trip in September.

Ermias and Abraham are on the Forge training; we are coaching them in the principles and practices of missional living; but they are teaching us many things!

Praises and Prayer

•    Family gathering and visit with supporters/friends while in America, including First Christian Church, Hermiston, OR.
•    Pray for Global Community Church, whose founding family were forced by immigration authorities to return to Mizoram (India) after 10 years in the UK.
•    Coaching and friendship with Emily and Miguel/Brenda (Alejandro).
•    Equip Britain participants who have received their FBI checks (requirement for UK Visas): Jeff/Megan and Robyn. We’re still waiting/praying for Jacob & Jennifer. Nathanael as a British citizen does not require this. All are still raising support; please pray for everything to come together for their planned arrival in late August.

Prayer Diary: July

4th CMF Great Britain Field Team meeting – review of Ministry Action Plans (MAPs) and setting of MAPs for the next 6 months (date to be confirmed).
5th FCC West Midlands Leaders Gathering. Madeleine finishes her CfH internship; she starts a Masters degree at Oxford in October.
6th Breakfast/Prayer with Larry; CfH Community Bring & Share Meal, hosted by Sam/Rosalee.
7th CPI church planting Hub gathering.
8th CfH / Christ Church Summerfield Fun Day and BBQ.
12th–13th ForMission College Trustees Retreat (Tammy).

14th–15th Global Community Church Alpha (Christian Basics) Weekend.
19th Monthly FCC staff meeting with Dan and Andy.
20th We donate blood to the NHS. Can you donate and have you recently?
21st Tim meets Larry for breakfast, accountability, and prayer.
21st-23rd Forge Midlands training weekend (2nd of 3). Please pray for Ermias and Abraham (Rhema church), Agnes and Francis (Disciples Fellowship Ministries church), Larry and Ryan (Warndon Community Church), Vanessa (Salvation Army, Bicester) and Astrid (Thornhill Baptist, Southampton). Pray also for Trevor, Tammy, and Tim as we plan and deliver content and provide guided experiences with local missional practitioners.
Madz is family; we will miss her but are proud of her acceptance into an Oxford Master’s programme.


In their book of the same name (ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church), Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost challenge the readers to take a fresh look at Jesus. As part of the Forge Midlands hub, we are looking at Mark’s gospel in daily portions and asking 3 questions: a) What does this tell us about Jesus? b) What does this say to or about us? c) How does this shape how we live? If you would like to undertake this as a spiritual discipline, let us know and we’ll send you the passages. Just reply to this email.

Top: A view of the back garden; can you spot the construction equipment?
Middle: Global Community Church farewells. Sad and upset, but trusting God.
Below: a rare family photo at the memorial gathering; thankful for Patricia LeRud.
Rick, Margie, Tam, Tim, Terry, Andrew, Wayne, Jess, Aliyah, and Jan
Share our prayer requests with friends and church family, but please do not post them on the web or attempt to contact individuals via any form of social media such as Facebook. Thank you for your understanding.

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Issue 206, 21 June 2017