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World Missions Headlines for September 21, 2016

Good morning. This email includes a summary of the world mission news for the week ending September 20 2016 on the missions network. Discover the “God stories” beyond these headlines and pass them along to friends and others. We have included a convenient forwarding link below to make sharing simple.

Daily Headlines / Links….

September 20, 2016
September 19, 2016
September 16, 2016

A Christian Response to a Divided Nation! 

I am certain that few (if any) would disagree with claim my designation of the United States as divided. It is clear that the citizenry is divided by worldview. A majority say they fear being the victim of a terrorist attack more than in the days following 9/11 while a minority think the world is a safer place than before. The daily news cycles make it clear that the citizenry is extremely divided by race, nationality, religion, and region of residence! While driving this morning, my wife and I saw a home displaying a LARGE photo of Donald Trump unfurled on the side of their home alongside a photo of Hilary Clinton bearing the words “Evil Woman.” Within seconds of passing that house, my wife read a political article labeling Mr. Trump and his supporters, “irredeemable!”
There seems to be no end to the hyphenization of the residents of the United States. Once, the people of the USA proudly called themselves simply Americans. We now employ the names, Native-Americans, African-Americans, Latin-Americans, Italian-Americans, and more. While disturbing to be sure, this is not the first nation to suffer division. Many Middle Eastern nations know first-hand the intense division between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Northern Ireland long suffered the political violence between Protestants and Catholics. Rwanda suffered incredible genocide during the hostilities between Hutus and Tutsis. Not long ago Serbs and Albanians made Kosovo a most difficult place to live.
What is the Christian role in this division? Paul wrote Timothy, “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” A good friend has told me it is time to stop asking people to pray for each other, because it is simply empty words. I believe Paul was inspired to write those words. If we truly pray for someone…not about them…God will soften our hearts toward one another. There is no magic in healing the division in the land, but if we stop demonizing and begin praying for one another, we will be on the road to recovery. You think about that! 


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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