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World Missions Headlines for October 7, 2015
Dear Reggie,

Good morning!  Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday October 6, 2015 on the missions network.   

Scan the headlines, and click on those of interest. Please forward this email to




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Daily Headlines / Links….

October 6, 2015
October 5, 2015
October 2, 2015
October 1, 2015
September 30, 2015


But you didn’t tell us how!


Over the past weekend, I had the privilege of preaching for week one of the Faith Promise Missions Rally at the Markle Church of Christ in Markle, Indiana.

When the arrangements were made, I was assigned the theme, “Fishers of Men.” I chose to look at the very words of Jesus as recorded in Mark 1:17, along with the surrounding verses 16-20. I chose Mark’s gospel account, because, according to historical information, it was based on Peter’s preaching and inspired recollection of the events.

Peter’s perspective is important as I look at the call of Jesus. Peter was a professional fisherman. Peter had to be good at it. Peter had to know HOW to fish or his family, the business, and the community suffered. For the first time in 40+ years of preaching, I noticed that Jesus never told the disciples “HOW” to fish for people. Fishing for people is not the same as fishing for fish. Fish do not know they are wet, but humans are capable of controlling much of their surroundings, building homes, fishing vessels, manned space stations, and today TV screens bigger than some movie screens of yesteryear. 

I do not believe that Peter forgot the time that Jesus told them “HOW.” I believe that Jesus deliberately did not give them step-by-step lessons about fishing for people. I believe Jesus demonstrated fishing for people throughout the gospel of Mark! We, citizens of the mechanical and materialistic world of the 21st century, always demand to be told HOW. Jesus wanted to instill in the disciples the WHY of becoming fishers of people. He showed God’s love for people to them when he touched lepers, spent time with hated tax-collectors, took time to play with children, and pointed out a widow everyone else ignored. 

Soon, I hope to make the video of the message available on the missions network, because I believe it is vital that we get the WHY right. The HOW is important, but getting the how right will accomplish nothing without the WHY. Want to be a better fisher of people? Get closer to Jesus. Jesus’ first two words in his call to Andrew, Peter, James and John were, “Follow me.” If we will follow Jesus more closely, we will get the WHY and the HOW!


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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