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World Missions Headlines for October 19, 2016

Good morning. This email includes a summary of the world mission news for the week ending October 18, 2016 on the missions network. Discover the “God stories” these headlines represent, and pass them along to anyone you know to be interested in world evangelismconvenient forwarding link is included below, making sharing simple.

Daily Headlines / Links….

October 18, 2016
October 17, 2016
October 14, 2016

Being careful differentiating between opinion & truth 

Two weeks ago, I wrote about how easily unity in the body of Christ is endangered when we fail to maintain “priorities” (keeping the main thing the main thing). It is possible that failure to maintain “perspective” is an even greater enemy to unity among followers of Jesus.
One of the discussion topics growing in popularity among believers is “culture wars.” Many of the discussions are quite appropriate, e.g. “Don’t allow culture wars replace the mission of the church” (i.e. keeping the main thing the main thing). We all have culturally charged opinions about political party affiliation, and we should not make those opinions a test of Christian fellowship. While we all have culturally informed opinions on many matters, we need to maintain them in proper perspective. Unfortunately, that perspective is altogether too easy to lose.
Frequently, I read posts on Facebook, blogposts, and journals identifying specific culture wars that Christians should avoid fighting. Among them are conservative vs. liberal judicial philosophy, traditional vs. progressive political views, gay marriage, and abortion rights. While it may seem fine for an individual to hold these opinions, many of the same people are quite ready to fight intensely against income inequality, predatory lending, those not adopting a minimalist lifestyle, climate change, and white privilege, and more.
It appears humans have an issue with maintaining perspective. We are adept at defining another persons causes as “culture wars” while we believe the causes we adopt are to be universally viewed as just and righteous. We take up arms about issues because we care. We fight for our causes, because we see them through our personal world view and scriptural hermeneutical principles. It is a difficult to remember that our causes may be just as properly labeled opinion as any other. May God mold our hearts and minds to see the world as He sees it…and those with whom we disagree as He sees them!


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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