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World Missions Headlines for May 4, 2016

Good morning! Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday May 3, 2016 on the missions network. Catch up with some of the “God stories” below and share them with people you know to be interested in world missions 

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Daily Headlines / Links….

May 3, 2016
May 2, 2016
April 29, 2016
April 28, 2016
April 27, 2016

Jesus Believes in You!
Matthew 5:18 – 6:34 


As far back as I can remember I heard strong sermons, built upon strong behavioral demands, based upon Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Our’s was a family that went to church every Sunday with my paternal grandmother hoping the preacher stepped all over her toes. I can hear her still today, “I just don’t feel like I have been to church if I don’t come out thinking about the things I did wrong.” Most of those messages, I recall, focused upon the “thou shalt not’s” as we read from the King James Version.
I would not term those messages as legalistic, because we were never told we could earn our salvation. However, the emphasis was always on what we “ought not be doing” in the vernacular of the region. We knew we were in trouble if we were guilty of murder, adultery, or divorce. We also knew that we would be better off if we never told anyone how generous you were and if we always prayed with plain words!

Without “watering down” the words of Jesus (pop psychology religion is not improving anyone or any generation), I have come to the conclusion that Jesus’ intent was much more positive (prescriptive) than negative (prohibitive). I believe Jesus was telling us that, relying upon the power of the Spirit of God, we could live in a way that fulfills life and eliminates a lot of regret. I do not know about you, but that inspires me.
We do not need Jesus to tell us that murder is wrong! Jesus was saying that His love would enable us to live in a way that we could control the anger and emotions that create such rage. We do not need Jesus to tell us that divorce leaves a scar on our life! Jesus was saying that God’s power enables us to build marriages of devotion that survive and GROW through the storms. Jesus was not building walls of what not to do in order to keep us safe. Jesus was busy tearing the walls down to enable us to thrive in God’s creation in the manner God intended. God was busy saying, “You can live life and thrive.” It is Satan who whispers doubt, fear, and “you cannot” to us.

Sometime this week, open the Scripture mentioned above. As you read it, listen for the soft sound of sandled feet. Hear Jesus clearly when He says, “But I tell you.” Remember He is saying, “This is how God intended you to live, in this type of freedom.” I pray He will inspire both you and me to live as shining examples of His grace. You think about that!


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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