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World Missions Headlines & Links for May 27, 2015


Good morning!  This is your weekly summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday May 26, 2015 on the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos.  

Scan the headlines below, and click on those of interest. We ask that you please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

May 26, 2015

Life in Abundance – May 2015 Ministry News and Events 

Morning Glory Christian Academy – May 26 2015 – My Anchor Holds 

GNPI Good News for the Week of May 26 2015 – Summer 2015 Prayer Report 

MercyPartners South Sudan – May 26 2015 – “Bridge” 

Miguel Faundez of youthHOPE speaks to the need for world youth ministry – video


May 25, 2015

TCM International May 2015 News Brief – Review of Graduation 2015 

Project New Hope – May 2015 – Celebrating Easter in Peru and Ecuador 

Mission Journeys May 25 2015 – Supporters and Sponsors Make the Golf Outing a Success 

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – May 25 2015 – Pray for a Waran translator’s family whose daughter is missing from her village 

The Global Gospel Episode 79 – Jesus’ Prayer, Betrayal and Arrest – video

May 24, 2015

Lifeline Christian Mission – Showers of Blessing at the Navajo Ministry 

Insight Resources Intl – May 2015 – Ministry Plans for Africa, Asia and Alaska 

NE India Christian Mission – May 2015 – Ministry News and Prayer Requests 


May 22, 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators May 24-30 Prayer Guide – Summer Intern Teams 

Wolsieffer Italy for Christ – Spring 2015 – Seeds Planted 44 Years Ago Provide a Harvest! 

Pray for the World! – Global Day of Prayer is this week, allow this video to inspire our prayer

Life Circle May 22 2015 – What’s missing in this picture?  


May 21, 2015

Juve Prayer Partner Spring 2015 eNews – Pray for our May 23 Cross-Culture Exchange 

White Fields May 21 2015 – Cuba Report from Rolando! 

Training Chaplains for Ukraine – video

Whitaker’s Report – May 2015 – An Opportunity to Help Plant 2 Churches in Kenya 


May 20, 2015

World Convention May 2015 eNews – A WORLDWIDE Fellowship! 

Life In Abundance May 20 2015 – Yet Another Inaugural Moment 

Haitian Christian Outreach Prayer Points – May 2015 

Twelve 21 Mission – May 20 2015 – God is moving among the Kulango! 

The Church Unleashed – A Mighty Force of God’s Grace – video message from Doug Lucas of Team Expansion

The Week in World Missions May 20 2015 

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Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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