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World Missions Headlines & Links for May 20, 2015


Good morning!  This is your weekly summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday May 19, 2015 on the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos.  

Scan the headlines below, and click on those of interest. We ask that you please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

May 19, 2015

Lifeline Christian Mission – May 19 2015 – Imagine being a teenager in a poverty-stricken country

MercyPartners South Sudan – May 19 2015 – Praying from the Center Out

Georges Carillet – May 2015 – Ministry News from 2 Months in Ukraine

Short-term Mission Trips with Colombian Christian Mission Can be a Life Changing Experience – video

CMF Intl News – May 19 2015 – Donations pour in for Nepal earthquake relief

GNPI Good News for the Week – May 19 2015 – A Windfall


May 18, 2015

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – May 18 2015 – Pray for the audio recording of Matthew in the Mbore language

Restoration House Ministries May 2015 Prayer Pointes – Pray for these 4 Churches in New England sharing God’s glory

Tim & Tammy Aho in Great Britain 2015 Video Update on Ministry

May 17, 2015

Life Circle – May 17 2015 – You’re investing in the children

CMF holistic development – May 2015 – Ministering outside the church walls

May 15, 2015

CMF Intl News – May 14 2015 – Unterwegs ministry is a glimpse of heaven on earth

Marilyn Cook – May 13 2015 – Ministry news from Grace Place South Africa

Pioneer Bible Translators May 17-23 Prayer Guide – Scriptures to Pray

Pray for Slovakia! – Pray for the Nations video

May 14, 2015

ICOM May 2015 Update – Sarah Rose Auction, KC Hispanic Church Plant and MORE!

Travelin’ Miles – May 2015 – God was thinking of us!

NIMA/Morning Glory Christian Academy – May 2015 – Victory Report for Mrs. Lori

Brazil River of Life Ministries May 2015 News from Brazil and Mozambique

Gainers Apr-May 2015 Video News – New Church Plant in Ukraine – video

Will You Join to Pray with Mission Services  through May 31 2015?

May 13, 2015

Orchard Group May 13 2015 – Hope in Dark Times

Togo Christian Mission May 2015 Go and Make Disciples!

Workers for Mexico Mission – Summer 2015 The Mexico Messenger

Disciple Makers – May 13 2015 – Another Earthquake and Ongoing Relief Efforts

CICM and IDES Respond in Nepal following the first earthquake – video

The Week in World Missions May 13 2015


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Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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