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World Missions Headlines & Links for May 13, 2015


Good morning!  This is your weekly summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday May 12, 2015 on the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos.  

Scan the headlines below, and click on those of interest. We ask that you please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

May 12, 2015

James and Judy Dye May 2015 eNews – Ministry Progress in Venezuela and Steve Dye family to Tenerife

WISE May 2015 News – Final Graduation in St. Vincent and Celebration of the Future

CMF Intl News – May 12 2015 – “The first time in 20 years”

MercyPartners South Sudan – May 12 2015 – Trouble in Unity

Understanding and Dealing with the Anti-Immigrant Violence in South Africa – audio interview with Steve Zimmerman

GNPI Good News for the Week – May 12 2015 – NOMaD Training in Haiti

HORIZONS magazine 2nd Quarter 2015


May 11, 2015

Life Circle May 9 2015 – Growing Leaders in Panama

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – May 11 2015 – Pray for the PNG Finance Team during software conversion!

White Fields May 10 2015 – Celebrating Mother’s Day by caring for orphans around the world

Stories from the Field – A Visit to Kibonge – video from GNPI-Mbale

May 10, 2015

Haitian Christian Outreach eStories – May 2015 – Giving Health: Care+Medicine+Healing

Tim and Tammy Aho May 2015 Prayer Flash – Ministry, Prayer and Family Update

mPower Approach – April 2015 – Do we have a call to stay at home?

It’s All About Relationship – May 10 2015 – Registration Deadline for the June 1 online course

May 8, 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators May 10-16 Prayer Guide – Papua New Guinea

Sheffler Ivory Coast April-May 2015 – Report on Travel in Ghana & Nigeria

Rejoice and Pray May 8 2015 – Moreland report from Colombia and upcoming Home Service plans

Pray for the United States of America! – Pray for the Nations video

May 7, 2015

CMF Intl News – May 6 2015 – “There is only one enemy and it is not Russia”

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission – Spring 2015 – Dental-Dermatological Outreach and more

Morning Glory Academy Guatemala – May 7 2015 – Remembering Miss Marta

Dignity Restored for Melissa! – video

40 Areas that Need HOPE

May 6, 2015

BigDent.Org – May 6 2015 – BigDent loans grow businesses

Arizona Reservation Ministries – May 2015 – Keys to More than Homes

James Hla May 2015 – News of The Rock Foundation in Burma and Thailand

The Word Brings Persecution BUT Christ Give the Victory! – video

The Week in World Missions May 6 2015


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Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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