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Bringing the World of Missions to YOU!

World Missions Headlines & Links for June 24, 2015


Greetings from Cincinnati & the 2015 NACC! We hope this is a wonderful Wednesday morning!  Here is your summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday June 23, 2015 on the missions network.   An easy to use link is provided to each story, news report, and video.  

Scan the headlines, and click on those of interest. We ask that you please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

June 23, 2015

Haitian Christian Outreach June 2015 Prayer Points 

CMF Intl News – How did you spend YOUR Sunday? – June 23 2015 

MercyPartners South Sudan – June 23 2015 – “Searching” 

GNPI Good News for the Week of June 23 2015 – Welcome Mark Allen to GNPI 

Mission Vanuatu The Bennetts Kids in Vanuatu – video

June 22, 2015

White Fields June 21 2015 – Happy Father’s Day 

Pray for Georges Carillet leaving for ministry travel in Crimea June 24 2015 

CMF Intl – June 21 2015 -Work in Central Asia produces “amazing fruit” among Muslims 

Radio in Mexico Increases Outreach – video from GNPI

June 21, 2015 

Life Circle – June 21 2015 – Room for 3 more? from Lifeline Christian Mission 

Life in Abundance – June 21 2015 – June News and Events 

David and Amanda Knapp in Germany announce the birth of Olivia Grace 


June 19, 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators June 21-27 Prayer Guide – Pray for Our Empty Nesters 

Why would “It’s All About Relationship” help me? – June 19 2015 

Pray for Bolivia! – Pray for the Nations video

Java Evangelism – June 19 2015 – Onward by God’s grace and through your prayers 

June 18, 2015

CMF Church Catalysts – June 2015 – IDES funds new roof for Mexico Church and more 

Morning Glory Academy Guatemala – June 18 2015 – A Very Special Prayer Request 

Bennetts in Vanuatu – June 18 2015 – Travel and Baby News 

Mission Explosion – Jul/Aug 2015 News – VBS in Mexico and Feeding the Hungry in India 

Lifeline Christian Mission Celebrates 10 Years in El Salvador 

June 17, 2015

Restoration House Ministries June 2015 Prayer Pointes – Pray for 13 people and 4 congregations in New England 

Twelve 21 Mission – June 17 2015 – Pray for ministry in Cuba! 

CMF Intl – June 17 2015 – Meet New Missionaries and See Where YOU Could Serve! 

Master Provisions – June 2015 Prayer Needs 

Changed by True Peace and Enlightenment – video (great testimony)

The Week in World Missions June 17 2015 

The weekly “Pray for the Nations” may be the BEST we do!

Each Friday a video is uploaded to the missions network

calling every one to pray for a specific nation (or people group) for 7 days.  In this issue of The Week in World Missions the video is “Pray for Bolivia!” Join us Friday morning June 19 at approximately 10:00 AM as we begin another week with a call to pray for a new nation or people

You can access the link by following us on Twitter (@MSA1946) or liking us on Facebook (MSA1946).  Why not use the video to unite a Sunday School class, missions team, or small group in specific prayer?  Of course the app makes sharing the video EASY, because you can show it to a friend with your phone or in a small group with your iPad.


Remember, the app is available at no charge for Android phones ( or for iPhone, iPad, & iPod ( Download the app on your mobile device & have others join us as we Pray for the Nations.


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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