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Bringing the World of Missions to YOU!

World Missions Headlines & Links for June 17, 2015


We hope this is a wonderful Wednesday morning!  Here is your summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday June 16, 2015 on the missions network.   An easy to use link is provided to each story, news report, and video.  

Scan the headlines, and click on those of interest. We ask that you please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

June 16, 2015

CMF Marketplace Ministries – June 2015 – Serving/Sharing through Art and Stress in a War Zone

Help New Hope Christian Ministries Pakistan Start a Bible College – June 16 2015

A Great Opportunity for Pakistan Christian Evangelical Services – June 2015

Life In Abundance June 12 2015 – Great Is His Faithfulness

GNPI Good News for the Week – June 16 2015 – The Power of God Connecting People Through Media

Mission Vanuatu The Bennetts – Food in Vanuatu – video

June 15, 2015

Major Changes and Progress – June 2015 Max and Becky High

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – June 15 2015 – Pray for PNG Interns as they Arrive in PNG to Learn an Serve

Victory44 Intl – Phil and Michelle Parker – May 2015 Ministry News

Mission Vanuatu the Weldy’s – June 15 2015 – BIG News for the Weldy’s (Really Big)

The 2015 ICOM is a BIG DEAL and Jim Tune Tells Us Why – video

Pray for the Gebhard’s Work and Furlough Travel – June 2015

June 14, 2015 

Phil and Kathy Banta June 2015 – A New Family and A New Phase

James Hla June 2015 – News from Thu Ngar Kee – Mae Sai and more

CMF Intl News – Nairobi pastors trained on new computers, Bible software – June 12 2015


June 12, 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators June 14-20 Prayer Guide – Scriptures to Pray for Our Personnel

Life Circle June 12 2015 – 10 Year Milestone in El Salvador

Pray for Buddhists! – Pray for the Nations video


June 11, 2015

Opportunity for Service with SAEM in El Paso, TX

Java Evangelism – June 11 2015 – Progress Bit by Bit!

White Fields June 11 2015 – Blythe Robinson Reports from Nepal

Team Expansion at Work at the San Diego Culture Fest – John and Carla Hendee June 2015

Morning Glory Stories: Meg and Gabriella – video


June 10, 2015

MercyPartners South Sudan – June 9 2015 – Good News from Boiling Springs!

Morning Glory Academy Guatemala – June 10 2015 – Images of Glory: Felix and Diego

Pray for the 2015 TCTC Summer team in Haiti

Meet the Miyazaki International Christian Fellowship – video

The Week in World Missions June 10 2015


The weekly “Pray for the Nations” may be the BEST we do!

Each Friday a video is uploaded to the missions network

calling every one to pray for a specific nation (or people group) for 7 days.  In this issue of The Week in World Missions the video is “Pray for Buddhists!” Join us Friday morning June 19 at approximately 10:00 AM as we begin another week with a call to pray for a new nation or people

You can also access the link by following us on Twitter (@MSA1946) or liking us on Facebook (MSA1946).  Why not use the video to unite a Sunday School class, missions team, or small group in specific prayer?  Of course t

he app makes sharing the video EASY, because you can show it to a friend with your phone or in a small group with your iPad.


Remember, the app is available at no charge in the Google Play Store (search

the missions network under apps) or in Apple’s App Store (search for it among

 iPhone apps – it will install on the iPad). Download the app on your mobile device & have others join us as we Pray for the Nations.


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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