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World Missions Headlines for July 6, 2016 
Good morning! Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news for the week ending Tuesday July 5, 2016 on the missions network. Do not miss the “God stories” shared from the corners of the globe.Please share them with people you know to be interested in world missionsWe have included a convenient forwarding link below to make sharing simple.

Daily Headlines / Links….

July 5, 2016
July 4, 2016
Independence Day in the USA, and a holiday for all Mission Services staff

July 1, 2016

May we give others in Christ room to disagree! 

This is a VERY strange political year in the USA. In a conversation from this weekend, it was called a “sad” year and even a “depressing” year.

Politics has always been tough for Christians, at least during my 6+ decades of life and memory. I remember Christians taking strong positions, even calling to question the ability of others to think clearly, in the campaigns of Kennedy and Nixon as well as Goldwater and Johnson. The minister of my home congregation led a local campaign for the impeachment President Johnson while quite a number of the congregation opposed him. Yes, political opinions have always been divisive, in homes and in congregations.


With the very public nature of Facebook, the church may be as divided as ever over. Quite a number of my friends are publicly writing that every Christian should be voting for Donald Trump this year, because of the future Supreme Court nominees if for no other reason. Other friends have written they have joined the never Trump brigade, because they cannot make his language and behavior agree with their political opinions. A few have written that Hillary Clinton is the lesser of evils for them, and a fair number openly supported Bernie Sanders even as their friends have wondered how any Christian could support such Socialist positions. Some are recommending voting for the Libertarian choice, while others have given up altogether!

I have never hidden the fact that I have very strong opinions about the better political road for local, state, and national politics. I have run for political office in the distant past, served as County Chairman of a political Party, and on the State Executive Committee. If anyone were to dig that far back (and it was not while a resident of Tennessee), my positions were public record. However, I have always tried to give my Brothers and Sisters in Christ room to disagree with me. While we have been poles apart on political issues, I have always wanted to be of one accord about Christ. While we have wondered how each other could think that way politically, hopefully we have shone God’s light through the way we agreed about Jesus.
I plan to do that again this year. Hopefully, we all can! You think about that!


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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