A note on “why” there are so few links & what to expect ahead
There are two very good reasons for a reduced number of missions stories being added to the missions network during the past week.
First, while at the Lake James School of Missions, we were again responsible for the video recording of the main sessions, teaching times, and missionary interviews. The many hours invested in the activity will be a great blessing to everyone, but we had much less time available to add news stories.
A much tougher issue for last week was the failure of the hard drive in Mission Services’ travel laptop computer. On Monday, the hard drive began to fail, and by Tuesday afternoon it was obvious that failure was imminent. Thus, the time required for each step expanded until it was nearly impossible to add news to the network.
Video from the Lake James School of Missions will begin appearing on the missions network TODAY – July 29, 2015! If you have not done so, go to http://themissionsnetwork.com now to see the first session from this great School of Missions. We will be adding one video each week from this annual gathering.
Praying for more to be His,
Reggie Hundley Executive Director Mission Services Association, Inc.
the missions network