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World Missions Headlines & Links for July 29, 2015


Good morning! We are back in the office from the 80th anniversary meeting of the Lake James School of Missions, but more travel lies ahead.  On Saturday, we will join the National Student Conference of the Association of College Ministries in Evansville, Indiana.  We will be adding some good video from this event in the coming days. Pray for these college students who are VERY interested in world missions.  Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday July 28, 2015 on the missions network.  

Scan the headlines, and click on those of interest. Please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

July 28, 2015

Jesus 4 Greater Asia – July-August 2015 – Greetings from Along the Way

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – July 27 2015 – Check out Mike’s new blog

Insight Resources – July 2015 – Reviewing ministry events in Mozambique

Myanmar Hope Christian Mission – Jul-Aug 2015 – Update on Ma Mang, Hope Boarding School and much more

GNPI Good News for the Week July 28 2015 – Telling the Story Simply

Changed – the July 2015 episode – video

Brazil River of Life Ministries July 2015 Highlights from Brazil and Mozambique


July 27, 2015

2015 ICOM Pre-Con’s, Bible Study Breakfasts, and Missionary Luncheon’s

Lifeline Christian Mission – July 27 2015 – Women’s Trip to Honduras!

FAME – July 2015 – Monthly News and Updates

White Fields – July 27 2015 – The door is opening wide in Cuba

A Personal Invitation to Attend the 2015 ICOM – video


July 24, 2015

Pray for Antigua and Barbuda – Pray for the Nations video 


July 23, 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators – July 26-Aug 1 Prayer Guide – Personnel Returning to the field 

Could God Use Your Skills Here? – video


July 22, 2015

Knowing You, Jesus – video from Expressions of Emmanuel


A note on “why” there are so few links & what to expect ahead


There are two very good reasons for a reduced number of missions stories being added to the missions network during the past week.

First, while at the Lake James School of Missions, we were again responsible for the video recording of the main sessions, teaching times, and missionary interviews.  The many hours invested in the activity will be a great blessing to everyone, but we had much less time available to add news stories.
A much tougher issue for last week was the failure of the hard drive in Mission Services’ travel laptop computer.  On Monday, the hard drive began to fail, and by Tuesday afternoon it was obvious that failure was imminent. Thus, the time required for each step expanded until it was nearly impossible to add news to the network.  
Video from the Lake James School of Missions will begin appearing on the missions network TODAY – July 29, 2015!  If you have not done so, go to now to see the first session from this great School of Missions.  We will be adding one video each week from this annual gathering.


We have had tremendous interest of late in our APP, and the July downloads are the highest of the year.  The APP will make your access to missions information simple and very efficient. Remember, the APP is available at no charge for Android phones ( or for iPhone, iPad, & iPod ( Join people all around the world who have downloaded the APP today. 


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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