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The Week in World Missions for February 4, 2015

Good Wednesday morning!  This is a summary of the world mission news available over the week ending Tuesday February 3, 2015 on the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos. Scan these following headlines, click on those of interest to you, and share with anyone you know interested in world mission.

Daily Headlines / Links….

February 3, 2015

Orchard Group Feb 3 2015 – Cord of 3 Strands

BigDent.Org – Feb 3 2015 – From poverty to hope!

Restoration House Ministries – Feb 2015 – Cross Cultural Praises and Petitions in New England

Polish Christian Ministries – Feb 2015 Ministry Update

les Champs de la France – Feb 3 2015 – Current Prayer Needs and praises from the Saldis

Najmon – Italy For Christ – January 2015 – Looking Ahead in Ministry

GNPI Good News for the Week – Feb 3 2015 – A Tremendous Trip! Part One

TCM Prayer Channel February 2015 – video

February 2, 2015

Life In Abundance Feb 1 2015 – Florence Muindi’s Annual Letter

mPower Approach – Jan 2015 eNews – How God Connected Us

FAME Feb 2015 Medical Missions Prayer Calendar

Sharing God’s Story with Jewish Friends – video

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – Feb 2 2015 – Thankful that typesetting for Luke in Sob language is nearing completion

Togo Christian Mission Feb 2015 New Team Mate for Togo Christian Mission


January 30, 2015

Life Circle Jan 30 2015 – Training Leaders in Honduras

Pray for France! – Pray for the Nations video


January 29, 2015

ACM Intl – Jan 2015 – Transition on This Side AND That Side

Richard and Lindiwe Lee report on US furlough and return to Zimbabwe Jan 2015

His Seed Sowers Haiti – January 2015 Ministry Report

Changed by His Love from Frustration to Peace – video

Pioneer Bible Translators February 1-7 Daily Prayer Guide 


January 28, 2015

A-Z Christian Mission Jan 2015 The Altman’s return to visit Zimbabwe Christian College

Christian Churches Disability Ministry is Expanding! Jan 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators eNews – What God Did in 2014

The Week in World Missions January 28, 2015

CMF Intl – Jan 28 2015 – Mexico church sends missions teams to new area

2014 ICOM Workshop – Building Kingdom Minded Prayer in Your Ministry – video 




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Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network

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