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The Week in World Missions for February 25, 2015


Good Wednesday morning!  This is a summary of the world mission news available over the week ending Tuesday February 24, 2015 on the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos. Scan the headlines, click on those of interest, and share with anyone you know interested in world mission. 

Daily Headlines / Links….

February 24, 2015

Morning Glory Christian Academy – Feb 23 2015 – When Imagination Goes Wild and God Grants a Dream 

Travelin’ Miles – Feb 2015 – Update from Papua New Guinea 

Carillet Teaching Ministries Intl. February 2015 – News from our friends in Crimea 

GNPI Good News for the Week of Feb 24 2015 – Pray for Peace in Ukraine 

Discover what Teaching Ministries Intl is doing in Crimea in 2015 – video

February 23, 2015

Twelve 21 Mission – Feb 2015 – A New Church in Gbaki Cote d’Ivoire 

Herchenroeder Update – Feb 23 2015 – Thank God for progress with the Ap Ma translation team and MORE! 

Why do missionaries fail? Missionary Outfitters Feb 2015 

Krause February 23 2015 – Journey to Cebu Part 3 

Sharing God’s Story with Those Who Mourn – video

Life In Abundance Feb 23 2015 – Prayers for Egypt 


February 22, 2015 

Haitian Christian Outreach Feb 2015 Prayer Points – Pray for Customs to Release our Truck 

CMF Intl News – Unrest in rural Tanzania limits travel, ministry – Feb 20 2015 

Insight Resources Intl – Feb 2015 – Ministry Schedule for 2015 


February 20, 2015

Life Circle – February 20 2015 – Ministry on 2 Wheels 

Project New Hope – February 20 2015 – Pollo is a Young Hero 

Pray for Argentina! – Pray for the Nations video

February 19, 2015

7 Days of Prayer for White Fields Overseas Evangelism Feb 19 2015 

the Hoffs review 5 months of ministry in Honduras February 2015 

TCM International Feb 2015 News Brief 

Pioneer Bible Translators Feb 22-28 2015 Daily Prayer Guide 

Will Light Penetrate the Darkness? – Video  


February 18, 2015

CMF globalscope – Return to El Oasis, Semester in Thailand and more February 2015 

Ivory Coast Christian Mission Feb 2015 Short Term Intensive Training in Ghana and more 

CMF globalscope needs staff and interns for campus ministries in Thailand and Spain 

MercyPartners South Sudan – Feb 18 2015 – living water despite war 

7 Critical Stats Christians Need to Know – missiographics 

The Week in World Missions February 18 2015 

2014 ICOM Mark Taylor interviews Paul Covert – video


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Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network

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