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World Missions Headlines for December 16, 2015

Good morning! Christmas is fast approaching. We are praying that everyone is avoiding “the rush.” Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday December 15, 2015 on the missions network.   

Scan the headlines, and click on those of interest.Please forward this email to




you know interested in world missions.A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

December 15, 2015
December 14, 2015
December 11, 2015

December 10, 2015
December 9, 2015



“Now the word of the Lord came to me” (Jeremiah 1:4 ESV)
Balance is SO important. Forty-eight years ago, I learned just how important it is. I was at basketball camp at Campbell College in North Carolina (you would not believe the college & NBA coaches that showed up in Buies Creek that week), and I was told to guard a guy who went on to star at LSU and in the NBA (a gold star to anyone who might be able to guess who that was). I was chosen because I was the best defensive player from my group, but I needed to be much better balanced to guard this player!  

As Mr. Miagi told Daniel in the first Karate Kid movie, balance is important in all of life. It is vital in sports, dance, painting while on a ladder, crossing a rushing river be stepping on the stones, AND in our spiritual lives…which is the point for our weekly thought based on Jeremiah 1:4.

There are so many ways to lose our balance as we live in relationship with God and our brothers and sisters in community. Pride can enter the picture so easily. Think of how Satan might have tempted Jeremiah as the word of the Lord came to him! “Jeremiah, you are a pretty special young man! God did not speak to the other priests in the way he spoke to and through you.” It is the same with anyone who has a talent that others recognize. Whether we have a talent to speak before others, sing well, dance well, or play an instrument, pride can be our downfall. God’s word did not come to Jeremiah because he was better than others. God simply chose him. Our talents are gifts from God whether passed on genetically or given to us at birth. They are gifts from God, not something earned or deserved.

Jealousy and bitterness can also grow in our lives before we regain control. “Why can’t I be like that?” is a question Satan whispers and to which we listen all too often! Even though we know we have a talent given by God, we look at another person wishing we had their talent. The dancer wishes they were the vocalist, the flutist wishes they were the actor, and on the jealousy goes.
Balance is the key! God is the one who gives talents and abilities in His sovereign will. Rather than swelling with pride, live as a steward of what God has given and remember to give Him the glory and credit. Work diligently to hone whatever talent we have that it might be used well. When our talents are used well, others see them no matter what they are – and God is glorified. Balance helped Jeremiah remember that the word that cam to him was God’s word, not his word. Balance is critical. You think about that!


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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