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World Missions Headlines & Links for August 12, 2015


Good morning!  We have an exciting Twitter message we received this week – be sure to read our message below for this news.  The time at the National Student Conference was really good. What a great group of students, devoted to Christ and so many interested in world missions. Pray for our campus ministries. These are ministries at an incredible crossroads of life with many opportunities to allow the light of the world to shine. Today’s email includes a summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday August 11, 2015 on the missions network.  

Scan the headlines, and click on those of interest. Please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

August 11, 2015
August 10, 2015
August 9, 2015
August 7, 2015
August 6, 2015


the missions network

sharing God’s good news worldwide


Frequently, I have opportunities to tell people about the worldwide impact of the missions network.  Can you imagine their response when I say that people from more than 185 nations have “tuned into” the missions network – that people tune in from 100+ nations each month – that every 5 seconds someone in tuning in to watch a video, read current mission news or a story from past mission work, or listen to one of the audio files on the network?  At the Student Conference last week, one mission leader said, “I am just amazed at how God has used this technology.”

On Monday, we received the following direct message on Twitter, “Thanks for the fruitful info on your website. I’m organizing a project for my secondary school students to study global mission strategies.”  It seems that this secondary school teacher in Asia was searching for a good resource for his project, and he found the network in his search.  

When we began drawing the plans for the network, this was not one of our target audiences, but God had greater things planned than we dreamed.  Our role is to serve as a conduit through which the God stories may be shared; God is opening the doors, because our faithful supporters make this possible.

How are YOU connecting with the network?  This weekly email is efficient, but it only scratches the surface of the possibilities.  How often are the stories shared with people in congregations?  Our app is convenient for that purpose.  Share the news in Mission Meetings, Bible Studies, Sunday School Classes, Prayer Meetings & more. Remember, the app is available at no charge for Android phones ( or for iPhone, iPad, & iPod ( 


Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network
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