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World Missions Headlines & Links for April 29, 2015


Good Wednesday morning!  This is your weekly summary of the world mission news available during the week ending Tuesday April 28, 2015 on the missions network with links to the stories, news, and videos. With the earthquake in Nepal and otherworld missions stories, there is much to learn and about which we should pray! 

Scan the headlines below, and click on those of interest. We ask that you please forward this email to


you know interested in world missions. A convenient forwarding link is found below the news listing.

Daily Headlines / Links….

April 28, 2015

Disciple Makers – April 28 2015 – His Hands and His Feet in Nepal

Travelin’ Miles – April 28 2015 – Leviticus reminds me of Jesus’ sacrifice for me

Myanmar Hope Christian Mission – Apr 2015 – Church Leaders Need Your Help and More

Central Brazil Mission – Apr 28 2015 – April News and future mission trip opportunities

CMF Intl – April 28 2015 – CHE in Mexico City: Man reaches out to at-risk kids

GNPI Good News for the Week – Apr 28 2015 – Indigitous Conference 2015

North Burma Christian Mission in 2015 – video

April 27, 2015

Saldi Les Champs de France – April 25 2015 – Spring Break Answers

Ruth Anne Haubner surgery recovery report for April 27 2015

CICM Reports on Churches in Nepal following the Earthquake

Herchenroeder Prayer Update – Apr 27 2015 – Thank God for the Beasley’s presence for the past 2 months!

Disciple Makers in Nepal – April 27 2015 Status report post Earthquake

Finish the Task of The Global Gospel – video

April 26, 2015

Christian Churches Disability Ministry Spring 2015 – New Hope in Missouri

Polska Herald – Spring 2015 – The Year of Discipleship

Korea Christian Gospel Mission – Spring 2015 – LIPS Mission and Year of the Sheep

April 24, 2015

Life Circle April 24 2015 – The “box of love”

Pioneer Bible Translators April 26-May 2 Prayer Guide – The Translation Process

Pray for Canada! – Pray for the Nations video

It’s All About Relationship – Apr 24 2015 – A Lesson About Barns


April 23, 2015

Morning Glory Academy Guatemala – April 22 2015 – Let’s get Mrs. Lori back in the classroom!

Mission Journeys Apr 23 2015 – Golf for a Purpose this May!

Christian City – Apr 2015 – Matching Gift Grant for the Children’s Village

Gifts for the Nations April 2015 Update

Ozark Christian College Announces New Adult Online Learning Program – video


April 22, 2015

Haitian Christian Outreach Prayer Points – April 2015

Java Evangelism – April 22 2015 – A Plan for Impacting Ambon

CMF Intl – April 22 2015 -Water is flowing, crops are growing in Turkana

2014 ICOM Sunday AM Session – Vertical Is Where It ALL Begins Peter Ignatius – video

The Week in World Missions April 22 2015

Pioneer Bible Translators April 2015 eNews – The Latest Word and Join Us for Discovery 


Users of the missions network APP speak:
Thanks for sharing this info with the world. I have used your iphone app and it has a ton of helpful missions info.” – Matt Shaw, Minister of Outreach, Bettendorf Christian Church 

Big Thanks. Great…awesome. ..incredible gift to Christian community Lyju Cherian


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Praying for more to be His,

Reggie Hundley
Executive Director
Mission Services Association, Inc.

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