An explanation and invitation

Mission Journeys Annual Banquet.
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Dear Friends,
A number of years ago there was a program started in Mission Journeys called the Twice Annual Campaign. Twice a year, usually late February and August/September time frame, a letter or note would be sent out to the individuals who had agreed to help, asking for prayer and financial support to the Twice Annual Campaign.

WHY THAT PARTICULAR TIME? Those are the times of the year when gifts and donations seem to lag. It’s that time before mission trips usually are active, and after the summer season of camps, VBSs and mission trips. BUT our expenses remain the same for keeping the organization running.

WHY BRING THIS UP NOW? Over the years, attrition of various kinds has eaten away at the base of that campaign, and we know there are many of you who have never heard of this. So, we thought we’d try to get the word out and see if any of you would consider being a part of this Twice Annual campaign.
Many of you who get this may already participate in either the Twice Annual Campaign or give to our organization at other times and events. We are truly grateful for that, but this is an explanation for those who are not aware of this and would like to be a part of it.

HOW DOES IT WORK? As indicated by the “Twice Annual” designation, “call” letters or notices are sent out to those who have AGREED to be a part of this, just letting them know it’s that time of the year, and often updating on some of our events, etc. When the program started, MJ asked for $25 per campaign—many have increased the amount they give, but at this point, commit to whatever is comfortable for you.

This request will also go out to most of our regular supporters, so please don’t be offended if you see it more than once.

If you agree to be part of this, please go to our contact page on our website and send us an email indicating this–please include your address. The website can also be used for any donations. Just click on the DONATE button and follow the directions.

Thank you for your consideration and participation,

Mission Journeys Board of Directors and Staff

