TRH Logo           Vol Newsletter – June 2017


Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.

  ~Sherry Anderson

Dear Reggie

Thank you for your interest in the volunteer opportunities and adventures at The Restoration House!  I am grateful for each individual, group and church who gives of their time, energy and talents to bless single mothers and their children.

– Lori Haskell


Vol Spotlight

The Wonder Woman Team Behind Over The Edge

Are you familiar with our annual Over The Edge fundraiser? Over The Edge is an exciting new event in which participants rappel down the side of downtown Knoxville’s 12-story Langley Building. It’s the tallest, most thrilling fundraising event to ever hit Knoxville!

This year will be our 3rd Annual OTE event. What most people wouldn’t know is the amount of work, time and people it takes for us to pull off this large event year after year.  We’ll be honest, we just couldn’t have a successful event without hundreds of volunteers!  And, there is a small but mighty super team of volunteers who put in hundreds of hours over many months leading up to the event to plan every detail, work with the city and with the Langley Building on logistics, deal with vendors, and think through all of the things that wouldn’t cross most of our minds while we enjoy the live event.  

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Emily Nichaud, Kim Madgett, Tarah Bolas and Heather Story. These four women have created excel spreadsheets full of details and lists that are necessary for a successful OTE event.  They know who to call for porta potties, which city office will give clearance to block off streets and give access to electricity, and when to talk to the police and fire department. They have mapped out the street for vendors, kids events, bleachers, t-shirt booths, sign-in tables and the ever important landing pad for the rappellers.  This super team plans our VIP event for the evening before the big event, including food, tables and chairs and music.  And this team is up at the crack of dawn on both the VIP day and OTE event day hauling tables, setting up stations, running for last minute items and adapting plans to the many last minute changes that get thrown their way.  Then they will stay long after everyone else has gone home both days of the event making sure everything on their lists is taken care of and put away safely.  

These hard working super women haven’t taken on the most glamorous roles of our OTE event. Unless you’re looking for the women with the walkie talkies, most likely moving quickly through the crowd, you might not even see them.  But, without this group of wonder ladies, our event would fall apart!  So, if you do get a glimpse of any of these wonder women of OTE,  thank them for the time they invest in OTE and tell them you appreciate their hard work!  We feel it’s only fitting that a team of wonder women is leading the efforts in a fundraiser that benefits our single mother families!

Exciting Opportunities!


Beautify The Village With Us

Help us beautify The Village!  With summer upon us, we have many projects around The Village that need to be tackled.  We also have our Ground Breaking celebration June 29th so we would love your help getting ready for our event.  Join us on June 21st for a day of Beautifying The Village! 

Interested in helping on that day?  Sign up here! 

Volunteer at Our Ground Breaking Ceremony

The Restoration House is breaking ground on Phase II of The Village, our community for single mother families!  On June 29th we will have our Ground Breaking ceremony! Help us create a special time of celebration by volunteering from 9:15am – 11:00am in one of the following ways:

  • 4 – Parking attendants 
  • 1 – Shuttle driver 
  • 4 – Refreshments & drinks at community center  
  • 6 – Set-up and tear-down team
  • 2 – Photography, 1 – Videography 

Interested in volunteering at this event?  Sign up here!

 Over The Edge – Coming Soon!

Over the Edge is our exciting fundraiser where participants will rappel 12 stories down the side of downtown Knoxville’s Langley building! The next event will take place on August 26th, with participants rappeling down the building from 8am-5pm.

To make this event successful again, we will need many volunteers, both on the ground and on top of the building!  Here are some of the areas where we’ll need volunteers:

-Food and Drink Service
-Escort to guide Rappelers 
-Landing Zone Area

Interested in playing a part in this day? We’d love to have you join us! Sign up here!


Going Deeper


Become An Ally


An Ally Team supports each TRH family relationally and spiritually while also connecting each family with valuable social capital.  

Each Ally Team consists of 5-7 Allies from local churches; representing generational and economic diversity, as well as diversity in life experience.  All Allies must be interviewed, be background checked and also get trained!  

For more Information on becoming an Allygo here.  

Our Contact Information
The Restoration House
2205 Village Place Way
KnoxvilleTN 37923