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Joplin, MO 64802

Permit No. 222

      ODL [Open Door Libraries]        

      P.O. Box 7494

      San Jose, California 95150






Volume 11                                                                      January/February 2014         No. 61



The Jordan Journal


In Good Hands


   Don’t you worry about the Library when you are in the US? Weve never been away three months since BOOKS & MORE opened May 2010, yet we did not fret.  With the staff cut in half our two reliable Jordanian employees, Mrs. Awatef and Mr. Bassam, were extremely busy and yet kept everything operating as normal.  In fact, it grew while we were gone.

Books, Books and More Books!  56 volumes were donated in our absence

We increased by sixteen new membership units which represents about 70 individuals

Visitors and Patrons who used the Library

October 345

November 337

December 184 (snow and holidays)

Cash donations received from 3 individuals and Jordan businesses; this is almost unheard of since Jordanians are not noted for financial contributions

We don’t charge fines for overdue books, but have put out a “money jar” where borrowers can let their conscience dictate the amount; this has gone over very well

We recently heard a child ask his mother for a dinar to put in the jar to help the Library

    We are very proud of both our staff and our patrons, in our absence they all “stepped up to the plate”.


A Must Read


     I graduated from Ozark Bible College, studied at four seminaries, and taught at OCC for 32 years, but never have I read a book (other than the Bible) that has impacted me like Kenneth E. Bailey’s JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES (InterVarsity Press).

     Mr. Bailey, with a British mother and American father, was born in Egypt and spent most of his adult life living in the Middle East.  Hestudied ancient languages, commentaries and other nearly forgotten writings by Muslims, Jews and Christians in their own languages; however he has not neglected modern writers and teachers in his research.  It is a scholarly book but written so clearly and cleverly that the woman or man in the pew will not only understand it but be inspired by every chapter to be more like the Master.

     Once I began reading I could hardly put the book down. I especially liked his treatment of the parables.  In them I recognized that Middle Eastern people still practice the same customs and culture today.  Oh yes, Westernization is having a great affect through movies, magazines, travel and education in universities abroad; but, just below the outer superficial layers you will find problems and challenges that Jesus addressed in His parables.

     I urge you to read JESUS THROUGH MIDDLE EASTERN EYES.  Likewise I am eager to find other books and essays written by Kenneth E. Bailey to enlighten me further on both the life ways and practices of this region of the world in which we reside and how Christ can transform them.

Why Jordan?


      Friends on both sides of the pond, but especially in Jordan, express surprise that we did not remain in the US to enjoy Christmas.We tell them it works best for us to have Thanksgiving in Joplin and Christmas in Jordan.  For one thing the celebration of Christmas is not yet so commercialized here, although the local merchants are working on it.  Churches in Jordan realize, as we do, that no one knows the exact time of year in which Jesus was born but with majesty and power they emphasize the Biblical significance of His birth leading eventually to his death, burial and resurrection.

     James traveled with us to assist with the Library expansion project. We are grateful to all who continue to pray and give financially to this need. Everyone involved in overseas work needs two kinds of help: one time gifts for special projects and monthly support on which to build an annual budget.

      While James is here he is helping in significant ways as a representative of Open Doors Libraries.

Taking BOOKS & MORE staff to dinner. He trusts this will encourage them on behalf of ODL personnel and supporters

Meeting with the Library Advisers at a brunch

Helping us look at and choose furniture for the library expansion, the upstairs chapel and guest rooms

Budgeting with us for we know that what we spend depends on the special designated gifts we receive




     During the seven years that we have been residents of Jordan we have had the joy of seeing people come and go as guests in our home. It helps us appreciate what the writer of Hebrews said about entertaining angels unaware (see Hebrews 13:2).  Let us tell you about some recent and upcoming guests.

We don’t consider our son James a guest, but you might be interested to know that after 2 or 3 days here he spent a week inEthiopia to encourage a husband and wife who were part of his campus ministry group at PSU and recently became missionaries there.

Holly Williams, a former student and Ozark Christian College graduate, spent a week with us (Dec. 15-22). She was on her way home after three years as a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Tanzania

David and Jill Fairall and children are Americans who may or may not spend some time with us. Theworked several yearshere and we became friends.  David found a job in Israel but needs to cross a border to get his visa extended. He is having all sorts of difficulties finding the right country that the Israeli government will approve for them to visit and return.

Paul and Margaret Pennington, OCC graduates and former teachers at Cincinnati Christian University are headed for India to help some churches there and will spend a week with us on the way.        



            December 14th we returned to a record breaking snow. It was shocking to find no taxis waiting at the terminal for passengers in the bitter cold.  Police had closed the highway from the airport to Amman. The driver for the Golden Tulip Hotel, also known as the Airport Hotel, situated nearby informed us we could spend the night in their lobby and he would take us to it.  We found ourselves stranded with hundreds of others; however it turned out to be a night of blessings.

      Nancy had the corner of a couch and James and Harvey had two comfortable chairs to sit in while others stretched out on the carpeted floors.  We interacted with folks from far off places such as Russia, Uzbekistan, France, Canada, India, several African nations and the Orient.  One business man from Egypt who is a strong believer in Christ finally got a single room.  After he settled in, he returned with a packet of cookies which was a gift to us.  We were able to buy hot coffee and tea, soft drinks, sandwiches and other snacks.  All in all it was a fun night, a bit like a slumber party with brand new friends.

      About 11:00 the following morning the highway was opened but extremely treacherous. We got one of the few available taxis and shared it with an older woman going to the same part of town as we. What normally takes 45 minutes was two hours and the regularly set price of 25 dinar ($40.00) became 100 dinars ($150.00) for the four of us. We were glad to arrivehome whatever the cost.  Our street was covered with snow and impassable; so, the driver let us out two blocks away and we walked in snow up to our knees to our empty, ice box house.  We thank God for a safe trip.

      Jerusalem, Amman and several other cities in our region made headlines with this particular surprising, deep snowfall.  It has been at least sixty years since Jerusalem has had more than a dusting of snow.  Jordan set a new record for being colder than Iceland. I am writing this on New Year’s Eve and surprisingly there are still big piles of snow that have not completely melted yet.  One of the great blessings for us is that the Lord knows how much we need the extra moisture to fill our dams and reservoirs considering there are nearly a million Syrians taking refuge in Jordan.  We all need unexpectedreminders like this that God is in control.


Harvey and Nancy Bacus

Amman Jordan


Tax Deductible Contributions through ODL:

Open Door Libraries

PO Box 7494, San Jose CA 95150



PO Box 711, Amman Jordan 11953


Harvey and Nancy Bacus

Amman Jordan








Bits and Pieces


Middle Eastern Christians have been called the forgotten faithful.  The world knows that across the centuries there have been Jews and Muslims in the Middle East. For the most part, however, Middle Eastern Christians evaporated from Western consciousness after the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451.  Kenneth Bailey

Christmas Eve service at Amman International Church included sisters and brothers from twenty or more different nations all singing Christmas praises and praying together.

The three of us (James, Nancy, Harvey) were blessed to spend three December days and nights in a hotel inside the walls of old Jerusalem.  We not only walked where Jesus walked, but we also felt what Jesus must surely feel with the tensions among the three major groups who occupy it.

King Abdullah and Crown Prince Hussein attended a Christmas luncheon which His Majesty sponsored for Christian leaders from Jordan and Jerusalem in the ancient Biblical city of Madaba 30 km southwest of Amman.

The Kings of Jordan are the caretakers and protectors of all the ancient holy sites of Jerusalem.

Margaret Thatcher: No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he’d only had good intentions. He had money as well.

Pray with us that God will grant us and those who advise us wisdom as we expand the Library.

This fall we had the privilege of being in Kansas with students from Pittsburg State University who worked in Jordan last summer.  

Matthew Lamb presented his Master’s project, a documentary on Jordan, while we were there.  We rejoice that we could be a part of the successful completion of his Masters Degree.

Family Flavours magazine is a beautiful, monthly publication read by families across the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and beyond. BOOKS & MORE was featured in the October edition.

Our Librarian’s four little granddaughters gave us a cute Santa milk pitcher as a Christmas gift.

While we were away our business manager sent us a detailed report each month.  In October he included, “During JETS moving a big number of crickets and one mouse moved from their flats to the library, but you have nothing to worry about.  We called the team from the Amman Municipality, they came with their equipment, worked for half a day and after that everything became under control. From that day nothing appeared.

You are to hold fast to the Lord your God, as you have until now.  Joshua 22:8,