Mission Services

The Growth Continues!

We Hope You Will Help

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April 9, 2014

I am sure that you have read the following words from me, “We are truly amazed by the growth of the missions network over the 2 years and 8 months it has existed.” While you probably believe that statement, I am also certain that very few people will understand just HOW amazed we are! 

At our Spring 2011 Board of Directors meeting, I shared the earliest vision of an Internet Network that would use the power of “podcasting” to help share news from the mission field with those of us who are interested in & committed to the work and cause of world missions. Prior to that meeting, I had discussed this idea with our friends at GNPI and others to see if the idea was already on the drawing board somewhere, because I did not want this to be competing with another effort already underway. I was unanimously encouraged to “go for it,” and it appeared to be an idea we alone had. During the discussion time, we shared questions as to whether or not we had the expertise, and quite honestly, we wondered aloud if it was feasible since no one else was headed in this direction.

As of now, we have people visiting the missions network MORE than 11,000 times each day to learn more about or to be inspired by the glory of God being revealed throughout the world through missions & missionaries. Those visiting our network (via computer & web browser or via mobile device APP) average coming back 4 times in a given month. The vast majority of people visiting the missions network live in the USA (obviously our “target” market), but we see people from 80+ nations visiting each month. While these numbers are the immediate reason for our “amazement,” what is even more impressive is that MOST people do not yet know about the missions network!

Would you help us put more missions interested people in touch with the network we believe God inspired?? I am sure you know people in your home church that you know who are interested in missions. Those who work for one of our Christian colleges or universities know students, professors and staff who are deeply interested in world evangelism. You may have friends at work, in your small group, at your high school, in your youth group, in your neighborhood, or any number of places who have mentioned missions or a missionary in conversation. 

Would you encourage them to visit themissionsnetwork.com or download our APP for their iPhone, Android phone or iPad (available at no charge through Apple’s APP Store of Google Play)? 

Tell everyone you know they can find these things on the missions network:
1) A daily listing of everything new on the missions network for that day
2) Video Reports (hundreds of them) from missionaries & ministries 
3) Extraordinary Stories written by God through the lives of Ordinary People
4) Inspiring messages from great speakers & creative videographers
5) Training videos & audios to help us become better servants in MANY ways
6) A list of opportunities shared with us where people are needed worldwide
7) Daily connections to eNews from missions in every part of the world
8) Thousands of years of missions history for anyone interested!
9) Access to Horizons magazine online…and even more to come soon!!
Thank you for taking time to read once again of how excited we are about the missions network. This is only possible because our supporters enable us to have the computers, software, hardware, cloud storage and connections that keep the network online…and because some 68 years ago the McFarlands, McGilvreys and other forward thinking families came together to begin the work of Mission Services. All glory and praise to God for His incredible grace and love shown to us through His Son Jesus!


Praying for more to be His,  


Reggie Hundley, Executive Director

Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network 


Our mission is to glorify God by partnering with…

missionaries & ministries for effective communication with their supporters 


congregations for the fulfillment of the Great Commission


