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Busy, Busy!!!  

Lately we have had some people ask us about what exactly we do here, and what our schedule looks like.  Although our schedules don’t look like the normal 9-5 ones of most people, we have found ourselves to be very busy!  This is what our new weekly schedule looks like:

Monday – Jon has a prayer meeting in the morning with some leaders from Rakovka Church, and in the evening we meet with our small group from Rakovka Church.
Tuesday – Some Tuesday mornings, Jon teaches at the University, Tuesday afternoons he goes to a local radio station and is part of a weekly radio show, and Tuesday nights we have our English Evangelism Classes in the Center.
Wednesday – Wednesdays Jon teaches at the University from 9-1 and we have another English Evangelism Class in the evening in Rakovka.
Thursday – Thursday evenings Jon has his Advanced English Evangelism Class in the Center.
Friday – Friday nights we have a Small Group Bible Study for non-believers in our home.
Saturday – Saturday mornings we go with our Compass group to a local orphanage to do ministry and outreach.  Saturday afternoon from 2-4 Jon helps out with the Children’s Outreach Program at Rakovka Church and Saturday nights we have Compass.
Sunday – Sunday morning we have church in Rakovka.  Every other Sunday after church, we have our Marriage Encounter Core in Rakovka, and soon we will be starting another Core in the Center.

In addition to this, Jon preaches every six weeks minimum at Rakovka Church, and sometimes guest preaches at other local churches.  He also makes and maintains websites in his “free time”.  I mostly work at home, taking care of the 4 kids and homeschooling Alex.  I sing in the worship team at church, and do the children’s craft in Compass every other week.  I plan all major events including planning the menu, reserving a space, buying the groceries, cooking/preparing the food, and helping with set-up and clean up.    I am also in charge of United Marriage Encounter Ukraine and help plan conference calls and set up UME Weekends here in Kremenchuk.  

We would love it if you would pick one day, or one ministry to pray for specifically, and also pray that amid all of the ministries that we do for others, that we would make time for our family too!

Ministry News…

We have officially moved Compass to Saturday nights and it is going great!!!! We are so thankful that more people are able to come now and pray that our group continues to grow.  A couple of weeks ago Jon and Ivan were talking about how to teach the members of Compass about reaching out and sharing God’s love with the community.  They decided that it would be great if as a group, Compass could help out at a local orphanage.  So last week, Jon, Vitaly and Denis went to visit and see if it would indeed be a good fit for our group.  All three of them said that it was a very powerful and humbling experience and that they can’t wait to go back.  I think it was especially moving for Vitaly and Denis who had never been to an orphanage before to see how much the children just wanted to be close to them. To hold their hands, to sit on their laps, they just wanted to have physical contact, which told the men just how little of that they get in their every day lives.  It was so incredible to hear them talk about their experience there and to see their eyes well up with tears remembering and thinking about those poor kiddos who just want someone to hold them and love them.  Please pray for all of the children in the orphanage, that they would know, very soon, the love of God through a forever family. Also pray that while they wait, we can show them, even if it is just once a week, that they are important and loved!
Kid’s Corner

It has been a busy month for the kiddos! Isaac turned 9 on February 25th and we had a baseball themed birthday party, complete with games and cupcakes decorated to look like baseballs.  We were very grateful that the weather was just warm enough that the kids could play their games outside since there were 10 kids!  Isaac got a Djembe drum and a practice pad with drum sticks and he has started taking drum lessons.  He has been asking to play the drums for a long time so he is really excited to get to start.  He has already been talking about playing with Grandpa Gainer when we get home this summer! 
Lauren turned 2 on March 11th!  She had a Hello Kitty party with a strawberry Hello Kitty cake, a Hello Kitty face on the window made from toothpaste and window crayons, and even got a stuffed Hello Kitty from her brothers.  She is quite the little talker, which if you have met her parents isn’t a big surprise, and she loves to dance and sing.  She is so sweet and has brought so much joy to our lives!  
Alex and Jonah continue to enjoy Aikido and it is good for their confidence, balance, athletic ability, and to just get out some energy!!!
Alex is still taking piano lessons and we are hoping to get Jonah some guitar lessons soon too.  Before long we will have our very own boy band here!  Isaac and Alex have already had several jam sessions together and they love it!!!!
Summer Visit to the States!
We are coming back to the States for nine weeks, from May 23rd to July 27th. We want to see as many of you as possible, so if you would like to meet up with us for lunch, dinner, have us visit your small group or church, please send us a message at We can’t wait to see you all this summer!
Pray for Ukraine. 

  1. Pray for Compass to continue to grow both in number, and in relationship with one another and God.
  2. Praise the Lord for our increasing language ability. Jon is able to preach solely in Russian now, and we are able to do many difficult things like visiting the doctor and meeting with teachers without a translator!
  3. Pray that we would continue to be wise and follow God where he leads us.
  4. Pray that we would be the light and love of Jesus to everyone we meet.
  5. Pray that we would be a good example to our children and to others of what it means to be a true follower of Christ.
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