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Happy New Year!!!!

And it has been a very happy new year so far!  Jon and I have been witnessing to and helping out the mother of a classmate’s of Jonah’s for the last 4 or 5 months.  She started coming to Compass, and also started attending our Friday Night Bible Study.  On Wednesday, January 6th, in our kitchen, Alyona told us that she wasn’t happy with how her life was going and that she wanted to change but didn’t know how.  We shared the Gospel with her and watched the Holy Spirit take hold of her heart and lead her to Jesus. She repented there at our kitchen table and accepted Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Savior!!!  When she came to our house, her eyes were filled with sadness and fear. But what an amazing experience it was to watch that sadness turn to pure and complete joy!  Last weekend Jon preached at a church in a town not far from here and there was a man there who also gave his life to Christ.  It is something that still fills us with such awe and wonder, watching people go from lost, confused, scared, torn and broken to whole, hopeful, joyful and full of peace as they lay their hearts and lives at the foot of the cross.

Ministry News

We took a little time off from our English Classes for the holidays, but we are back to holding Beginner and Advanced English Evangelism courses on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and an Advanced English Evangelism Course on Thursday nights.  The class attendance has been a little low because of the cold temperatures and the incredible amount of snow that we have, but we expect it to come back up in the next few weeks with the weather warming up and the snow melting.  

We are moving our Compass group to Saturday nights!  We have been thinking about doing this for a while now since there are a lot of people who don’t come to Compass only because it is on Sunday evening. So we decided to move it to Saturday!  Our first Saturday meeting will be on February 13th.  Please pray that many new people are able to come because of this change, and that we are able to reach more hearts with the Gospel!!!

We had a great New Year’s Party with our Compass group.  We started New Year’s Eve at 10 o’clock and went through the night till 5 am!  We had about 30 adults and 12 kids and we played games, sang lots of songs, prayed and had a small sermon.  We even had a couple who watched all the kids and kept them entertained the whole time!  It was great to ring in the new year with so many amazing people!

Last Sunday, we had the honor of being able to watch Constantine take the first step of obedience in following Christ and get baptized!  Constantine is a member of Compass and we are excited to watch him grow in his relationship with God and see how God uses him!

Kid’s Corner

The kids have had a GREAT month!!!  They had their normal break for the holidays, but then they had an additional week off because there were so many people with the flu that they “quarantined” the school, and then another week off because it was so cold and snowy.  Total, they had over a month off school!  They have had a great time playing out in all of the snow, building forts and having snowball fights, as well as playing legos, drawing pictures and playing with Lauren.  About a week ago, I went to the grocery store where they packed my groceries in boxes.  When I got home and emptied them all out, the boys went nuts! They spent hours making things out of the boxes.  Isaac made a house with a removable roof, canon, door, window and working elevator, and Jonah made a suit of armor complete with mask!  It was fun to see them really use their imagination and see their personality come through in what they made!  They are getting really excited to come back to the States this summer and take swimming lessons, go to Fejevery Park, ride their bikes and hang out with both Grandma and Grandpas!!!

Jonah turned 10!!!  Where oh where does the time go?  We had a lego themed birthday party complete with giant lego cake.  The kids played with, what else!?  LEGOS!!!!  They had a great time and Jonah enjoyed being the center of attention for once!

Lauren is growing like crazy and talks SO MUCH!  She has started pretending a lot with her toys, making eggs in her kitchen, feeding her babies bottles and rocking them, and she loves to sing and dance.  Daddy plays songs for her on the piano and she twirls and sings along.  It is SO CUTE!!!!!!!

Have you made a New Year’s Resolution yet?  If not, why not make your resolution to become a missionary in Ukraine?!? You might not be able to actually come to Ukraine, but by partnering with our ministry, you are helping us to spread the good news of the Gospel!  If you, your business, your small group, etc., would like to support us and what God is doing here in Ukraine, please visit our website at and click on the “Support Us” page!  We can’t wait to see what God does through all of us this new year!!!!
Pray for Ukraine.  

  1. Please pray for Alyona to grow closer in her new relationship with Jesus everyday and for her to have strength to not return to her old lifestyle.
  2. Pray for all of the Ukrainian people who are out of work.  Pray that God would provide for all of their needs. 
  3. Pray that God would bless our ministries and for us to have the wisdom to follow Him where He leads us.
  4. Pray for us to continue to grow in our Russian speaking ability so that we can clearly communicate the Good News with everyone! 
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