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Compass – Moving in the right direction!

We have exciting news!!!  We have a building for Compass!  At least we are about 95% sure that we do.  It is the original old government building that we were looking at.  We didn’t think that we were going to be able to use it because it was registered with the State, but they just transferred it to the City of Kremenchuk and we have gotten nothing but positive feedback about our desire to use the building for our church!  God has placed people in just the right places and seems to be opening doors for us to be able to use this building and we couldn’t be more excited!  We are waiting on a letter from the city that says that the building has officially transferred from the State to the City of Kremenchuk and then we will put on a new door with a good lock and put bars on the windows to secure the building and keep people from stealing the bricks.  We have a LONG way to go, but we are thrilled that God has once again proven His faithfulness and perfect timing and blessed Compass with a place we hope to soon call home!

We recently started having Compass in Rakovka as well as in the Center.  We have had two gatherings so far with about 25 unbelievers at each event.  Please pray that both Compass groups would continue to grow and that we would continue to strive to model the first church as we gather together, pray together, eat together, read the Bible together, worship together and take care of one another.  

Isaac turned 10 on February 25th!!!  He had a basketball themed party with a cake made by mommy, lots of friends and fun games!  It was a fun filled day coloring basketball shoes, learning how to spin a basketball on their fingers, pin the basketball on the hoop, and a popcorn basketball contest that made our living room floor look like it just snowed!!!  We are so thankful for the sweet, loving, funny boy that Isaac is and can’t wait to see what the next year brings!
Lauren also recently had a birthday and turned 3 years old!!!  She had a Frozen themed birthday and Elsa and Anna even showed up at her party!  They played lots of games, ate pizza, cupcakes and danced and sang.  Lauren truly is a little princess and she loves all things sparkly, especially shoes!  She is very smart and loving and she adores her brothers as much as they adore her!  We are so thankful for Lauren and the joy that she brings to our lives!
INTERNS!!!!  We recently had the privilege of meeting and getting to know a fantastic young lady named Natalie as she began her search for where God wanted her to serve Him as a full time missionary.  She immediately seemed to fit right in with our family and we so hope that she, or rather God, chooses Ukraine as her mission field.  But we know that she will be a blessing wherever she serves because her love for Jesus, people and the Gospel just pours out of her.

If you or someone you know would like to do an internship with us and see what missionary life is like in Ukraine, please let us know.  We are always searching for people who love God and love Ukraine to help us reach Ukrainians for the Kingdom!  For more information, please write us at:

Pray for Ukraine.    

  1. Pray that there would be peace, but more importantly that Ukrainians would come to know the inner peace that passes all understanding that is only found in Christ Jesus.
  2. Pray that our ministries would be amply supplied to care for Ukrainians in the massive financial crisis. 
  3. Praise God for those who have come to know Jesus as their personal Savior.  Pray for their protection that they would not be snatched away, and that their faith and relationship with Jesus would grow daily.  
  4. Pray that we would get word soon on the building for Compass and that we would be able to move forward.
  5. Pray for those who are still searching for Christ, that they would open their hearts to Him and boldly step out in faith.
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