As many have already heard, the 70th year of service for Mission Services is more than eventful. In August 2016, our Executive Director announced to our Board of Directors that he would be stepping away on June 30, 2017. The Christian Churches Pension Plan asked Reggie Hundley to follow Ray Stites at his retirement and become the CEO/Administrator of the Plan. Mr. Hundley believed this was a good time for such a move, because Mission Services needed new leadership to carry the work we do to even greater heights. 

After weeks of prayer and discussion, the Board of Mission Services unanimously decided that the future of the work was best served through a merger with a ministry partner. With several opportunities before them, it was further unanimously decided that the partner that best met the criteria is the International Conference On Missions. The final agreement was made just prior to the 2016 ICOM in Lexington, Kentucky. As a result, we are currently in the active phase of transitioning all of the work of Mission Services (both print and the missions network) to the auspices of the ICOM.

Please pray for everyone involved. A video of the announcement is available through our YouTube channel by clicking here.