Greetings from Livonia:

“God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” (I Cor 1:9)  When things begin to get a little overwhelming, we remind ourselves of God’s promises and His faithfulness.
We have arrived safely.  The last few days have been a blur — partly from jet-lag and partly because of the long list of things that need our attention as we transition.  We are praying that our container, which was delayed in customs, in LA; will arrive sometime this week, and can be unloaded on Saturday, Aug. 9.  We are thankful for the Memorial Church here in Livonia, and for their care and concern for us.  They have provided for us in so many ways — even coconut cream pie!
Since our container has not arrived yet, we will be on the road this coming week.  We’ll be in Cincinnati, visiting my mother, who has been struggling with her health over the past few months.  We’ll also plan to visit Central Illinois, and Brenda’s parents.  They have been taking care of lots of stuff for us, including Noah’s dog.  Speaking of Noah, he’ll be starting football on Aug. 11.  Please pray for his transition.
As soon as we get our stuff unpacked, beginning in September, we’ll begin visiting the churches that have been so faithful in their partnership with us over the past 16 years.  
Please pray for Kaohsiung, Taiwan, as many are suffering from the gas line explosions that occurred this past week.
God is always faithful, and may we be as well!  Thank you for your faithfulness!
In His Service,
Dave & Brenda Atkin