Greetings from Livonia:

The above salutation caused me to pause and reflect for a moment.  It still seems surreal!  
All is well, both in Taiwan with our Taiwanese brethren (we had a chance to Skype in recent days), and with our family here in Livonia, MI.  We’re still getting settled, with about 75% of boxes unpacked.  Noah decided not to play football, but seems to be  adjusting to his new school well.  We’ll be attending the Friday night football game tonight!  He is not liking riding his bike two miles to school, especially when the temperature drops into the 50’s.  He is so Taiwanese (warm blooded)!  Brenda is meeting lots of ladies, and is deciding in what ways she’ll use her giftedness within the Memorial Church.  The congregation and staff have all been so good and helpful to us here at Memorial, as we transition to life and ministry in America throughout the fall.
This weekend, Lord willing, we’ll begin traveling to visit our partner churches in Ohio, Illinois and Indiana.  This Sunday, we’ll be in Wilmington, OH; my home church.  Our newsletter has our schedule for the fall.  If your church is not on our schedule, and would like to be, please let us know!  
Sorry for no newsletter last month.  No computer + no internet = no newsletter.  We have included a financial report that includes the last two months.  And, thank you for your faithfulness in continuing to pray and give.  We will officially close our Team Expansion account as of Dec 31st.  We still have lots of stuff to do and pay for this fall, and your continued partnership is so important.  Any funds left in our account on Jan 1st will automatically be given to the Team Expansion home office, to be used locally and around the world.
Again, thank you for your partnership and prayers!  Thank you for taking time to read and pass along our September newsletter!

All for God’s Glory Among the Nations,
Dave & Brenda Atkin