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June 26, 2015
Nepal ReliefThank You


Online Video

It has been 2 months since the earthquake in Nepal which claimed over 8,000 lives.  Disciple Makers has been busy at work with relief efforts in some of the remotest areas. 

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all of the churches, individuals and organizations who have helped with these relief efforts!
Out of gratitude, we have put together a 3 minute video (click on image to the left) to give you a glimpse of how you are helping to make a difference in this portion of the world.
Please continue to pray for us as we are just beginning the third phase of relief (described in the video).
Again, we thank you for your support and prayers with these efforts!  May God continue to use us to be a blessing to the people of Nepal.


Click below to see the
Nepal Relief  Video

Nepal Relief1_edited-2 3

Through your prayers and contributions, we have been able to help thousands of people with their physical and spiritual needs.

Through the video, you will see just how much of an impact you are helping to make!

Disciple Makers   
4393 Boron Drive 
Latonia, KY 41015

(859) 491-2620