Emerald Hills Update
by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion
Emerald Hills: Prayer Base On April 1-2, a record 60 souls came together for our spring Prayer Weekend. The featured speaker was Dr. Jody Owens, a great man of faith and maturity from Johnson University. He taught us to pray through the Psalms and people are STILL talking about it. In each main session, he would teach about the Psalms for a while, then we’d meet in small groups to pray and write our own psalms, after which we would debrief each experience in the larger group. This cycle kept everyone active and engaged, and the truth is, few had ever viewed the book of Psalms as a prayer book prior to the weekend. Afterward, EVERYONE did.
Perhaps you might ask, “I thought Team Expansion was a MISSION organization. Why the emphasis on prayer?” Well it turns out that prayer is the greatest resource for missionaries EVER. Not only does it help raise up new harvesters (Matt. 9:35 and following), but in addition, through prayer, God connects us to the work of His Son, bonds us with his Kingdom (the church) AND restores our soul. In addition, through prayer, we gain global boldness, call on the Holy Spirit to convict and compel, and understand fully God’s will for our lives. Prayer is, without a doubt, the greatest weapon in the missionary arsenal.
The fall Prayer Weekend is Oct. 7-8 and will feature Dean Trune, a specialist in discipleship, fasting, and character transformation. You can register now at www.PrayerWeekend.com
Emerald Hills March Financial Report