Are You Living Missionally in 2017?

This is the season when you start evaluating the years you’ve lived and making hopes and changes about the years to come.  Maybe you’ve made resolutions before, only to watch them fall by the wayside. It’s not that you didn’t really mean it – you just didn’t have the resources to help you follow through with your good intentions.

Don’t let that be true this year – especially if your goal is to align your heart with God’s purpose for the nations! Here are six ways Team Expansion wants to equip you to multiple disciples and churches among the unreached.

Find 6 Ways to Integrate Missions into your Year!

Learn With Noah

Jonah was resistant to God’s direction, sure, but he was also probably just a regular guy who served an extraordinary God. Maybe that sounds familiar.

Read the Blog

Longing for Spring

As I took in the view, my heart longed for something other than white and grey.

I longed for sunshine and budding trees.

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Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.
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