Intentional Easter

Whether you rejoice in the resurrection with chocolate bunnies or sunrise services, we’d love to challenge your church to integrate these 3 missional practices into your Easter traditions.

Discover 3 Ways Your Church Can Be Missional This Easter


One team in N. Africa is currently seeing a repetition of two barriers to the multiplying spread of the Gospel.  We wanted to share these barriers with you so that you, too, could be praying for their removal.


Featured Opportunity

Applications Processor
We urgently need a full-time person who will walk through the organization’s application process with prospective missionaries. The right person in this role will be detailed, organized, and excited about the opportunity to see God calling workers into the unreached parts of the world.

For information about this or any other position, fill out a no-obligation profile at

Pray With Us

Ask God to help churches be intentionally missional this Easter season. Pray for many to experience Christ’s grace for the first time!

Praise God for the many who say YES to God at Easter!

Pray against the barriers against the Gospel that many fields are experiencing. Intercede for the missionaries, local believers, and seekers who are struggling with these obstacles.

Prayer Weekend planning team members meet in a bandshell at a park scheduled for use at the spring 2017 Prayer Weekend, slated for Apr. 28-29.

Emerald Hills Update

by Doug Lucas, President of Team Expansion

Prayer Weekend is Coming — but not to Emerald Hills
Perhaps you might think it’s odd that we’re GLAD that our upcoming Prayer Weekend is happening somewhere else, other than Emerald Hills.

No, participants won’t be able to breathe in God’s beautiful creation from the peace and tranquility on these 61 acres. Instead, the entire weekend will take place in the inner city of Louisville, in the heart of a section that has seen its share of violence over the past 100 years. Though that violence has decreased steadily throughout the past couple of decades, we’d like to do our part to help it decrease even more.

So we’re taking Prayer Weekend “on the road.” (Of course, we’ll take proper precautions. Prayer walking will happen in groups along predetermined routes. We’ve tested the idea there and neighbors there WANT prayer!)
Main sessions and training workshops will happen at a center for the homeless and addicted to learn hospitality careers. We’ll be staying overnight in rooms set up by some of their most successful workers. (Rooms are simple — but clean. And they’re inspected just as other hotel rooms in the city are.)
So what does this have to do with Emerald Hills? It’s fitting that the Prayer Weekend staff who are interfacing with local partners were all trained at Emerald Hills. This is EXACTLY why Emerald Hills exists: To take Good News and hope to a generation looking for purpose and peace.

Still, we recognize that this kind of Prayer Weekend isn’t for everyone. Perhaps it’s only for those who are courageous enough to get out into the world and make a difference. Might that be you? If so, register for this April 27-28 event at . We hope you’ll join us.

Financial Report for Emerald Hills: February 2017

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Multiplying disciples and churches among the unreached
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