Team Expansion report:

John and Carla Hendee; June-July



Every week I have new opportunities to get involved with a special group of people in San Diego. Last Friday night I met (from left to right), FRANK, SHAH AND JOHNY.  Frank is from the Congo and has been here in the U.S. for 9 months. Shah is from Beliz. and Johny is from Haiti.  They each have amazing stories.  They came to our Dragon Slayer meeting. Next week I will start having regular meetings with Johny.  He was raised in a very strong occult culture.  He is a preacher now. You will hear more about him.  He wants to get the IAAR presentations into French. He is well connected with Haitan people here in the U.S.  He is one dynamic man.  
I had the privilege of leading several workshops at the Filipino American Christian Convention is Seattle July 1-5.  What a great group of people and what an experience.  We are well under way getting the IAAR presentations into Tagalog thanks to Nathan Holt and others.  There is a possibility that I could travel to Manilla in the future and start the training of a national team of trainers for all of the Philippines.  
This is Abraham Tessema.  He is the key man I met and started working with in City Heights of  San Diego.  He runs a business right now but is forming a non-profit called Refugee Assistance Center.  The goal of this is to provide help to the thousands of refugess coming into San Diego with all the challenges they face in assimilating into life here.  His hope is to use that work and those contacts as ways to reach out with the Love of God for all of them.

I am also working with Abe in developing an ongoing six month training program for Christian leaders who are in this area.  They want training.  And it just so happens that I’ve got a lot of material that they believe will be of great help to them.  We are creating and will be offering all the training through
(There is a story and theme behind that name)

The training will include their taking the online RELATIONAL EVANGELISM course thorugh HIU and then 6 Saturday seminars on:
How to Make Sense out of the Bible.
How to Grow in Christ
How to work with and get along with others
A Dragon Slayers Life
Where does it say that: checking what you hear others preach and teach for acurracy.
How to plan ministries, programs and events.

We are planning on starting with getting peoples into the Relational Evangelism Course this fall and then the other six Saturday seminars starting in January.  We will offer the courses in English and Spanish.

I will be going with a group on a trip to Mexico in a couple weeks.  I will be speaking at a Rehab Center as well as a couple different congregations.
               A revised and corrected
                   Spanish Version

It’s All About Relationship

will be available in a couple weeks along with video presentations of the four presenataions.  We will let you know when they are available.

Copyright © 2015 John Hendee, All rights reserved.