Brigada Today 2018/03/25
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) World Christian Video Directory
Jump to…2) Save the Date for a Somali Summit
Jump to…3) TESOL training course with Asia’s Center for TESOL in Asia! May 23
Jump to…4) Now We Have to Be Wary of All Packages?
Jump to…5) Who Would Illustrate a Christian Children’s Book for Outreach?
Jump to…6) Costa Rica Azmera Haven Retreat 2018 (for Women only)
Jump to…7) Check Out ‘The Journey,’ A Video-based Bible Study Course
Jump to…8) How To Use Social Media To Engage The Unreached
Jump to…9) Overseas Christian Schools Looking for Teachers?
Jump to…10) School Seeking New Director in Albania
Jump to…11) Are You Using Your Phone for Maximum Ministry Impact?
Jump to…12) What Are the Steps/Resources for Writing/Releasing Christian Books?
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Missio Nexus Event “Early Bird Registration” Ending
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) World Christian Video Directory

Please visit the World Christian Video Directory at

Find information there on dvds in many different languages (including evangelistic dvds), dvd bible institutes, legally streamed Christian films, and many other interesting links regarding Christian dvds, films, and online films and videos.

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2) Save the Date for a Somali Summit

Interested in outreach to Somalia and/or with Somalis in East Africa (or wherever the diaspora has taken them)? Then save the date! Owensboro Christian Church (Owensboro, KY) and Team Expansion are working in partnership to stage a Somali Summit on May 17-18 at the church in Owensboro (closest airport: Evansville, IN). An Ethiopian field worker will be featured as a key speaker. Primary focus will be placed on prayer, mobilization, advocacy, partnering with indigenous workers (current and future), as well as going short-term and long-term. All participants will be vetted for security. The goal is to build momentum for following both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment among Somalis everywhere (but especially in the horn of Africa). Save the date. More details will follow.

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3) TESOL training course with Asia’s Center for TESOL in Asia

…May 23-June 24, 2016 will be in India. September 5 – October 7 will be in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Asia’s Center for TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) conducts intensive, five-week courses for a comprehensive TESOL certificate. For the first three weeks the classes are Monday-Friday, 8-4. For the last two weeks, the classes are 8-12, followed by a two-hour practicum in the afternoon or evening. This totals 120 hours in class and 20 hours of practicum (10 hours observing and 10 hours teaching). Contact Melody for application forms or more information: or see for more prices and other information.

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4) “Loss of Innocence:” Package Bombs Could Attack Anyone, Anywhere

The package bomber in Austin stretched terrorism to a new level recently. See, for example, …

Does anyone else swallow a bit harder when picking up any random package now? Loss of innocence indeed. Watch your back. And you porch. And your mail room. So — security experts — what are we to do?

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5) Who Would Illustrate a Christian Children’s Book for Outreach?

This past week, we received an inquiry from an international outreach wanting to prepare a children’s book. If you or someone you know might be able to illustrate such a book, please click comment and share a bit about your work, then email us your private email address please. These workers will give praise to God for your skills.

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6) Costa Rica Azmera Haven Retreat 2018 (for Women only)

Azmera’s mission is to Impact Women Who are Impacting the World. If you are an English speaking, Kingdom-minded women (worker or business expat) serving overseas, Azmera would like to invite you to an encouraging, restful, transformational haven retreat in Jaco Beach, Costa Rica April 12 – 15, 2018. The cool thing is that they help make it affordable for workers by raising Haven Scholarships. Check out Azmera and register at

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7) Check Out ‘The Journey,’ A Video-based Bible Study Course

‘The Journey’ video series takes you through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. These videos feature many photographs and artwork that bring the Bible story to life. Study guides are also available on the website. ‘The Journey’ is specially suitable as a complete introductory Bible training course for pastors and other Christian workers, including those who speak English as a second language. ‘The Journey’ is available from

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8) How To Use Social Media To Engage The Unreached

Mission Media U (MMU) is an online learning platform designed to train Christians to be more effective in making disciples and establishing churches. Their course, “Foundations of Media Strategy,” is starting April 26 and running through May 24. Each week in the 5-week course requires 3 hours of work per week including a one-hour live instruction session. For more information, go to:

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9) Overseas Christian Schools Looking for Teachers?

Overseas Christian schools are critical to keeping missionaries on the field. And Christian teachers are critical to keeping those schools running. TeachNext, a ministry of MissionNext, offers a matching service for teachers and overseas Christian schools. Schools post their needs and teachers post their info and the jobs they are looking for and the computer matches them up. Missions can also sign up to help schools.

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10) School Seeking New Director in Albania

GDQ International Christian School in Tirana, Albania is seeking a new Director beginning June 2019. If you are a school administrator passionate about global Christian missions, they invite you to explore the calling to lead a community that develops Christ followers among third culture students and where the lives of Christian and non-Christian students alike are being transformed.

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11) Are You Using Your Phone for Maximum Ministry Impact?

Are you a field worker and want to accelerate your ministry through your mobile phone and social media? Learn the types of phones, apps, and media most used in your mission field culture, and how to leverage them for outreach and discipleship. Register for Mobiles In Mission: Using the Tool In Everyone’s Pocket, a 5-week mentored online course that starts May 8. Learn more:

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12) What Are the Steps/Resources for Writing/Releasing Christian Books?

Suppose you’re writing a book for churches and agencies to use in outreach. Is there a “best clearinghouse” or a best approach to publishing such a book, to enable the widest outreach and maximize the number of the right workers who will see it? Are we at a point now that we skip the whole “printed page” idea — and go totally digital/kindle? …or do people still read printed books? Please share your opinion and best resources by clicking comment following the web or app version of this item. Thanks in advance for any help you might give.

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13) We’re Grateful for…

…a $50 gift from a very gracious donor fond of Christian DVD’s. Thank you!!!
…a $25 gift from Equipping Services International, the good folks behind…

which enables you to certify in teaching English as a second language online, at a pace and rate you can afford.

Been reading Brigada forever and have you finally decided to pitch in something to empower it to continue on for the next generation? Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: Missio Nexus Event “Early Bird Registration” Ending

In case you hadn’t noticed, we’re pretty big on the Missio Nexus event in Orlando, Sept. 20-22. Wouldn’t you agree that it’s probably the one place that mission leaders from all streams get together to swap “shop talk,” share resources, meet in hallways, make plans for doing mongo projects together, and celebrate the progress being made in all corners of all nations in mission work worldwide? Missio Nexus has the momentum of EFMA, IFMA, and, to a certain extent ,the ECFA too. Think about it. If you want to hear the latest on government regulation and legislation that might affect Christian organizations and/or churches, is there a better place than to hear Dan Busby (the President of ECFA) giving his annual talk about what’s coming down the pike? It’s been an annual deal for as long as we remember. Plus, there’s great worship, and pretty much everybody goes from every major agency. Lately, there have been more and more local church mission staffs going as well. Your denomination or church network probably has a great get-together, but as far as a network that cuts across all streams of faith, this one is it. Early-bird registration ends at 11:59pm, March 30th. So if you want to be a good steward of your organization or church’s dollars, better register now. Brigada will be there. Hope to see you too.

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15) Subscription Information

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