Brigada Today 2018/02/25
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…
Jump to…1) New Swahili Christian Radio Station On the Web from Tanzania
Jump to…2) Searching for a Conference Meeting Site in Europe: How?
Jump to…3) Send Them Out Better-Equipped
Jump to…4) Where Will You Go for Intercultural Studies Degrees?
Jump to…5) Where Do You Go for Trip Cancellation Insurance?
Jump to…6) Type in Kingdom, Then Type a Period, Then the Word, Training
Jump to…7) Get A Free Country Safety Report
Jump to…8) Traveling with a Big Family?
Jump to…9) Never Been to “Passion?” So, Go “Virtually”
Jump to…10) Snag a Free Copy of “Tortured for Christ” by Richard Wurmbrand
Jump to…11) Which are the World’s Most Miserable Economies? Surprised?
Jump to…12) We Searched for the Best Calendar Plug-in for WordPress
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful to…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Tribute to Billy Graham’s Impact on Missions
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) New Swahili Christian Radio Station On the Web from Tanzania

Do You Speak Swahili? … know someone who does? Now they can listen to Christian radio online any time they want — Radio Uhai or Radio Life.

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2) Searching for a Conference Meeting Site in Europe: How?

Suppose you had a friend who was looking to stage a conference in Europe in 2019. Suppose he was searching for a retreat center that would hold 200 people — rooms, food, meetings. But suppose he didn’t have the budget for a big-business hotel. Where would you send him? Shouldn’t an org like O.M., YWAM, or GEM or SOMEONE have a big enough retreat center in a place like Austria, Czech, or Poland? Where would you send him? (Please just click comment following the web or app version of this item. And, by the way, he thanks you profusely.)

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3) Send Them Out Better-Equipped

It costs a lot to send out and care for people in overseas ministry. In view of that, how can we increase the likelihood that our sent-ones will have an effective and productive experience? Mission Smart: 15 Critical Questions To Ask Before Launching Overseas (by David L Frazier with Equipping Servants Int’l) was written for overseas ministry candidates, church leaders, and mission agencies to discover the right people who know their callings, have been confirmed, can thrive overseas and be effective in cross-cultural ministry. It addresses serious gaps in the mission mobilization process and offers fresh solutions for seeing less missionary attrition. Learn more at…

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4) Where Will You Go for Intercultural Studies Degrees?

Nebraska Christian College, in collaboration with Hope International University, offers several degree programs that will be of interest to MKs and cross-cultural workers, including online programs you can complete without leaving the field. They have excellent on-site ministry programs in Intercultural Ministry, Worship Arts, Pastoral Ministry, and Next Generation Ministry. They also have completely online programs in Criminal Justice, Business, Human Development, Teacher Education, as well as online M.A., MBA, and MDIV options. For more information visit…

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5) Where Do You Go for Trip Cancellation Insurance?

David asked this past week if we knew of a good vendor for travel insurance. You know — the kind that, if your flights go south, and you simply have to get there, you can book other airlines or take 6-hour taxis or whatever it takes — to get there when you need to get there. The kind that covers you even if the cancellation is weather-related. And the kind that, if you have to drop because you get sick, you can drop, with the confidence your trip will be fully reimbursed. We’ve been big fans of the folks at Insurance Services of America (ISA). Early on, they established the page at…

We’ve used their services — and, upon occasion, we’ve actually had to collect from it. And it worked. As long as you save receipts and can connect the dots to explain what happened, you are reimbursed in a timely fashion. (Truth in Brigada: They do send a gift for every single policy you buy. But — we honestly haven’t found a better service, gifts not withstanding. So that’s why we ask now with open hands…) Is there a better service, for a more competitive price, anywhere? If you find one, please click “Comment” following the web or app version. And, thanks for your time. Oh — and thanks to ISA for all the gifts over the years.

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6) Type in Kingdom, Then Type a Period, Then the Word, Training

If you’ve never been to

You need to go.

These folks are helping people the world over to use media to accelerate disciple making movements. They do this by modeling behavior which clarifies vision, selects best media platforms, launches effective prayer networks (they speak with some experience on this, having launched what arguably became the largest prayer network in history – 130,000 people praying every day for Tunisia — ), doing good research, figuring out how to make disciples in a given context, using online media as a filter and funnel to pull scads of people into contact with the good news, connecting with those people through a proper follow-up network, allocating resources for proper follow-up, then constantly reevaluating the metrics of this entire machine. Wow. This is radical. If you haven’t gone there, please start today.

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7) Get A Free Country Safety Report

Morton Security knows it’s that time of the year again, when lots of churches and groups are planning for spring and summer trips to locations you may or may not have been before. They are currently offering a free country level safety report to anyone that wants one (current customers excluded of course). Just go to their website at

and click on the Free Country Report button.

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8) Traveling with a Big Family?

This site…

is for you. They specialize in helping you find hotels with rooms that have multiple-bed configurations. It’s about time. : )

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9) Never Been to “Passion?” So, Go “Virtually”

If you’ve never had a chance to participate in “Passion” (that huge gathering in Atlanta that basically shuts down the whole town, and provides you with years-full of Christian music), maybe you can at least visit them online and pick up on the heart of it all. Just visit

for all the latest from Passion 2018. You can even pick it up digitally and listen TODAY.

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10) Snag a Free Copy of “Tortured for Christ” by Richard Wurmbrand

With his testimony, Richard Wurmbrand has inspired a generation. In a land and a time when many chose to become silent, Nicolai Ionescu (a.k.a. Richard) spoke out boldly that Christianity and Communism were simply not compatible. For that, he served 14 years in prison and was tortured constantly. But the good news was — He was finally ransomed and freed. Friends encouraged him to tell his story for the sake of many others. He later founded Voice of the Martyrs. And now you can get his story for free, courtesy of the org he founded, by visiting…

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12) We Searched for the Best Calendar Plug-in for WordPress

We tried all the major names, but, for the money, finally settled on a little-known player called Stachetheme’s Event Calendar for WordPress. It had all the capabilities we were seeking — responsive (resized for each type of digital device), multiple views (monthly, weekly, agenda), user-editing from the front side as well as the back-end, recurring events and much more. But wow — the documentation is not very profound. Did you find another solution — and why did you like it? Thanks for your comments on the web or app version of this item.

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13) We’re Grateful to…

…the folks at Equipping Servants International, who sent $25 this past week to speed Brigada on its way out the door to thousands of participants toward the fulfillment of the Great Commission among unreached peoples. Thank you ESI!!!

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14) The Last Bit: Tribute to Billy Graham’s Impact on Missions

Yes, Billy Graham was an incredible evangelist at revivals, crusades, and campaigns in cities across the USA. And we know that his son has had a profound effect on missions through Samaritan’s Purse. But let us not forget that he was also the central lightning rod to call together that famous 1966 “World Congress” in Berlin. (Read the full text of his keynote address here:

That congress helped redefine the word evangelism. It clarified our motives for evangelism and missions. It addressed the problem of lost humanity at the very time many were calling for missionaries to go home. It clarified the MESSAGE of evangelism at a time when liberals were running away with the heart. It also discerned strategies, methods, and brought unity to a world full of evangelicals. What followed, among other things, was the establishment of the Lausanne Movement. And guess who its founder was? None other:

At that congress, he called for the establishment of a declaration on evangelism, which, as we know, came to be called the Lausanne Covenant, and called by some to be one of the most significant documents in modern church history. He called for the completion of the task of reaching the whole world, a watchword that has inspired a generation.

But, perhaps more important than everything else, he modeled for everyone else the bringing together of representatives from (almost literally) all nations. And he brought them together to an even table. The majority world, the global south, not only was invited, they were INCLUDED — in a big way — as speakers, planners, and peers. This was a game-changer (perhaps as much as the Lausanne Covenant itself). And of course, we all know that, at that congress, leaders defined a new way of thinking about the world. Ralph Winter let the shoe drop about how many “hidden peoples” there are — and that factor has shaped the thinking of modern missions profoundly.

In fact, Billy Graham, it could be argued, shaped the thinking of modern missions, then, through all these steps and more. Thank you Billy Graham, a life well lived — 1918 – 2018.

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