Brigada Today 2017/12/24
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion

In this issue…
Jump to…1) Get Your TEFL Certificate Online to Teach English Overseas
Jump to…2) Gather with Lausanne to Learn from Other Researchers
Jump to…3) Get Trained to Reign and Make Disciples
Jump to…4) Spiritual Formation 101: …for the Soul, Community, and Neighbor
Jump to…5) What if You Could Mobilize 1000? (Year-End Gift to Brigada?)
Jump to…6) Stay in Touch with Your Sheep via FlockNote
Jump to…7) Want to Help Cross-Cultural Workers Better Care for Each Other?
Jump to…8) How to Send Money to Philippines (and 66 Other Countries)
Jump to…9) A Strong Option for a Personal Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Jump to…10) Who Says an App Can’t Save You?! (ISI’s M28)
Jump to…11) The Closest Thing We Can Find to an Unreached People Group Bible
Jump to…12) On Internationalizing Your Agency: Comments by Eldon Porter
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: In Celebration of New Year’s
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Get Your TEFL Certificate Online to Teach English Overseas


Now you can get trained to teach English to arriving refugees or to obtain genuine work abroad. Plus — you can start anytime with this Online Course. ConnecTEFL is an affordable 120 hour teaching English as a foreign language certification program. The course can be taken online anywhere in the world! The certificate meets the globally accepted TESOL International short-term certificate standards.
For more info, see…

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2) Gather with Lausanne to Learn from Other Researchers


Every three years the Lausanne Movement invites folks involved in mission/church research to learn from one another. That’s what the 8th Lausanne International Researchers’ Conference April 30 – May 4, 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya is all about. If you are an early-career researcher wanting to learn new methods, an agency leader keen to use research for strategy, a Christian researcher with interesting findings to share, and/or just someone doing research who wants to meet others who do the same, visit:

You won’t find this kind of gathering anywhere else!

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3) Get Trained to Reign and Make Disciples


Training for Reigning will help YOU prepare to make and multiply disciples. Read every word… It’s jam-packed with resources.

Wade, the point man, travels globally training key leaders in how to make DMD’s with TWI. (Disciples who make Disciples with Total World Impact as the goal.)

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4) Spiritual Formation 101: …for the Soul, Community, and Neighbor


A missionary in Russia has written a book about spiritual formation and spiritual disciplines. Readers will find various disciplines for different venues of life, including suggestions on how to practice spiritual disciplines with non-believers. The book is also available for Kindle devices and software.

Check it out at…

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5) What if You Could Mobilize 1000? (Year-End Gift to Brigada?)


The gifts from this past week were such an encouragement. They added up to $1023.76, raising the total year giving to $11,079.09. We are just $5921 away from making the year’s budget of $17,000. Thank you all so much! But now it’s crunch time. With just a few days left in the year, might you or your church do a $5,921 to finish out the year in the black? Either way, God bless you!!!

If you can help, just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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6) Stay in Touch with Your Sheep via FlockNote


FlockNote is a ministry communication tool that’s free for small groups and relatively inexpensive for larger groups. Email and SMS communication are both supported. Sign up and learn more at…

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7) Want to Help Cross-Cultural Workers Better Care for Each Other?


The book “THEM- The Richer Life Found in Caring for Others” shows how. It was the winner of the Writer’s Digest Best Inspirational Self-published Books of 2016. Author John Certalic from gives practical examples of how to strengthen and encourage others. Through June 30th get the book for 25% off its list price by clicking on

entering “Brigada” in the coupon code to get your discount. The Kindle version is also on sale.

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8) How to Send Money to Philippines (and 66 Other Countries)


Are you trying to send cash to a recipient in an overseas location? How do you make it happen? Is anyone using Xoom?

With Xoom, you can apparently send money to 67 countries in the world (but apparently not to the USA; you can send FROM the USA — just not back again). And the transfer happens within seconds — and costs like… $5 to send $800. And it’s affiliated with PayPal — and has a 24/7 customer service telephone number. This is what Western Union wishes it would be when it grows up. Has anybody USED Xoom though? Any firsthand reports? If so, please click “Comment” following the web or app version of this item. And thanks in advance for any info. (Note that you could also use the service to pay bills — anywhere in those 67 countries.)

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9) A Strong Option for a Personal Virtual Private Network (VPN)


If you’re in the market for a strong way to connect securely to multiple web pages and internet services, look no further than…

Their VPN is fast, pain-free, and easy-to-connect. Also, they deliver a companion app for mobile devices that is super-easy and strong. Their prices are just a tad on the pricey side, with annual plan costs hovering around $100, but the service seems dependable enough that it just might be worth it. Check it out!

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10) Who Says an App Can’t Save You?! (ISI’s M28)


In our quest to find a Bible focused on Unreached People Groups, one imaginative Brigada participant pointed us to an app developed by/for International Students Incorporated (ISI). It’s a mobile app focused on global discipleship called M28. Learn more about the themes at…

Then search for the app in the normal place where you obtain apps for your mobile device. Look for M28 Global Discipleship. They offer a guided experience that features discovery bible study approaches and they do a decent job at mentoring you through the process even if you haven’t ever had the chance to attend an in-person training. Bravo, ISI!

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11) The Closest Thing We Can Find to an Unreached People Group Bible


YWAM’s study bible, “The Christian Growth Study Bible,” is the closest thing we can find to the request of a recent inquirer looking for a Bible that focuses on UPG’s and the persecuted church. It has a 30 path discipleship study guide as well as profiles throughout the bible on unreached people groups, but, alas, no emphasis on the persecuted church. It’s available here:

You can also find the 50th Anniversary leather edition or paperback edition on (Thanks for the tip, Catherine and Terry!

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12) On Internationalizing Your Agency: Comments by Eldon Porter


Eldon Porter (Vision Synergy) is to tracking networks what Yoda is to the Force. He gets it. That’s why it is such a valuable thing when he offers Brigada readers a link to his article about the subject. So we suggest you run, not walk, to download the article at…

We recently asked, on behalf of an inquiring reader, if there were books on this topic. Eldon’s article was the best our readers could do for now.

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13) We’re Grateful for…


…The $35.92 from Insurance Services of America. They offer special insurance policies to Brigada readers and others…

Then they make a percentage available to Brigada as a tribute. Thanks ISA!
…The $100 gift from 2 great friends in Dallas, thanking Christ for all He has done, and praising Him by offering an article through Brigada. We appreciate you!
… A $75 gift from Centenary United Methodist Church, Lexington, KY. We praise God for your faithfulness!
… and gifts of $25, $27.84, $100, $25, $50, $25, $100, $25, $100, $35, $100. One contributor wrote, “I’m just a local church missions ministry leader trying to mobilize our congregation to reach the nations! Thanks for your work on Brigada. I nearly always find something helpful in each edition.” God be praised. One of those gifts was from Palm Beach Atlantic University–Campus Ministries OR CM Global. Bless you!
… a $100 gift from Cedar Crest Bible Fellowship. God bless you all!
… a $100 gift from a long-time True Fan of Brigada who wrote, “I took a look back in my email archive and see that I’ve been getting Brigada Today since September 1996! She wrote, “I still remember meeting you in the media office at GCOWE II in Seoul [in 1995].” Whoa. Thank you and God bless you!!! Another partner wrote, “I would like to highlight Team Expansion and Doug Lucas who 22 years ago was bold and brave enough to take a new media and method to connect missions minded believers around the world. For years they did this without any real financial support for this important ministry. Team Expansion supported this and even now bears much of the cost, the body should recognize and support this vital effort.” [God bless you for your encouragement.]

Blessings and Merry Christmas to a friend I’ve never met. But if you come through DFW, I’d be happy to meet you.

Want to partner with Brigada, together, in an attempt to hasten that outcome? Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: In Celebration of New Year’s


Each year, we try to sleuth out the best way to ring in the new year. This year, we were groping along for a pronunciation guide for several cities in China when a friend named Allan pointed us to this helpful pronunciation guidelines. I guess they have something to do with Chinese New Years, right? Either way, Allan says they “work better if say out loud.”

He’s cleaning his automobile.
Wa Shing Ka.

This is a tow away zone.
No Pah King.

Is there a fugitive here?
Hu Yu Hai Ding?

Small Horse
Tai Ni Po Ni.

Your price is too high!!!
No Bai Nut Ding!!!!

Did you go to the beach?
Wai Yu So Tan?

I bumped into a coffee table.
Ai Bang Mai Ni.

It’s very dark in here.
Wai So Dim?

Has your flight been delayed?
Hao Long Wei Ting?

I thought you were on a diet.
Wai Yu Mun Ching?

They have arrived.
Hia Dei Kum.

Your body odor is offensive.
Yu Stin Ki Pu.

I got this for free.
Ai No Pei.

You know lyrics to the Macarena?
Wai Yu Sing Dum Song?

Stay out of sight.
Lei Lo.

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