Brigada Today 2017/10/15
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Are you looking for Christian resources in Mandarin or Chinese? 
Jump to…2) Get Your TEFL Certificate Online
Jump to…3) Global Alliance for Church Multiplication is On a Roll
Jump to…4) Covert Awakening, Christian fiction
Jump to…5) Curious About Who Gave What in 2016? Now You’ll Know
Jump to…6) What Political Scientists Think about Political Repression
Jump to…7) Humanitarian Stress and Trauma: What’s the Impact?
Jump to…8) “Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills” Online Courses
Jump to…9) Church Multiplication Collective
Jump to…10) Looking for Great Group Counseling?
Jump to…11) How to Learn the Names of Countries, Capitals, and More
Jump to…12) Get All the News (without Censorship)
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful to…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Are We Raising Up More, Equal, or Fewer Workers?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff


1) Are you looking for Christian resources in Mandarin or Chinese?


This website has information on Chinese Christian books, booklets, Bibles, Evangelism Training, Audio, DVDs, tracts, children’s materials and more. Please visit

If you forget the website address in the future, you may find it at

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2) Get Your TEFL Certificate Online


Now you can get trained to teach English to arriving refugees or to obtain genuine work abroad. Then you can start anytime with Online Course! ConnecTEFL is an affordable 120 hour teaching English as a foreign language certification program. The course can be taken online anywhere in the world! The certificate meets the globally accepted TESOL International short-term certificate standards.
For more information, see

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3) Global Alliance for Church Multiplication is On a Roll


If you’ve been following the story of disciple-making movements, you’ve likely heard recently about the Global Alliance for Church Multiplication…

Check out their blog and library then set aside the dates for their 2018 GACX Forum (Oct. 9-12). They’re on a roll.

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4) Covert Awakening, Christian fiction


Julianne Hale is a consultant working in the Intelligence Community. For more than ten years, she has served as a policy and counterterrorism expert focusing on the Near East region. Julianne wrote hundreds of reports for the US government analyzing world events, terrorist operations, and radical Islamic ideology, resulting in national intelligence and impact awards from several agencies. She is partnering with international ministries to bring humanitarian aid and also books like…

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5) Curious About Who Gave What in 2016? Now You’ll Know


Are you Curious about charitable giving? Giving USA has prepared an infographic with answers to several intense questions.

You’ll be surprised by some of the trends.

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6) What Political Scientists Think about Political Repression


Have you ever wondered what political scientists think about political repression? Here’s a great article on the subject (thanks Caleb!).

It has become even more relevant in light of the difficulty resolving the rising tensions between the USA an North Korea.

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7) Humanitarian Stress and Trauma: What’s the Impact?

Kelly ODonnell has assembled a fair amount of research detailing the impact of humanitarian stress on emotional health. See the literature review and summary at…

(Thanks Kelly!)

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8) “Sharpening Your Interpersonal Skills” Online Courses


The SYIS Workshop is now available as a series of four online courses.
SYIS Online courses are ideal for any Christ follower who wants to become more loving and effective in creating and/or maintaining good relationships with others.
Learn more at…

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9) Church Multiplication Collective


Collectives are focused learning intensives that apply the best practices to make more & better disciples in the healthiest environments possible. The Church Multiplication Collective is designed to support you in assessing your current approach, identify areas to improve and take action. You will learn from practitioners and receive individualized coaching to contextualize principles to your situation. Registration closes on November 10, 2017. Click

for more information. You can also learn more at…

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10) Looking for Great Group Counseling?


Try Peacemaker Ministries…

They will go to the ends of the earth to help you overcome problems and build healthy relationships. (Thanks Christina!)

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11) How To Learn the Names of Countries, Capitals, and More


Down through the years, we’ve all searched for the best ways to teach/learn the names of all the countries of the world, their capitals, their seas/bays, and more. Sheppard Software has finally made it possible at…

You’re going to love this.

Thanks Sheppard!

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12) Get All the News (without Censorship)


For years, we’ve studied Google News for all the news fit to print. But lately, we’ve begun wondering if the Associated Press website is a better source. See it at…

Compare with our “old” Google News app by visiting…

Which do YOU like better?

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13) We’re Grateful to…


… Chinese Christian Resources for their $50 gift this pas week. They publish a listing at…

with tons of resources in Mandarin/Chinese. Thank you!

Also, we’re thankful to ConnecTEFL, who finally broke the barrier and brought the world of teaching English into a format we can all consider. Learn more at…

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14) The Last Bit: Are We Raising Up More, Equal, or Fewer Workers?


If we wanted to acquire accurate data as to how mission organizations are doing in their recruitment of new cross-cultural workers, where would we turn? Are we raising up more missionaries today than we did in 1975? … or fewer? Or about the same? If it’s fewer, do you have theories about why? To comment, just click “Comment” following the web version of this item. Let’s grow a solid list of links and personal testimony about our track record with Matthew 9:35-38. Thanks in advance for your help!

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15)Subscription Information


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