Brigada Today 2017/09/17
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion

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In this issue…

Jump to…1) Christian Outreach Resources for Children

Jump to…2) Perspectives – Yes, You Should Take It!

Jump to…3) What’s the Best Way to Help the Rohingya?

Jump to…4) Scatter Global Hopes to Train and Link Global BAM Workers

Jump to…5) By 2050, 30% of the World Will Live in Rural Areas & Villages

Jump to…6) When I Grow Up, I Want to Make Maps Like These

Jump to…7) Ethno LA Raises the Bar for Studies on Megacities

Jump to…8) Galactic Communications Gets Good Marks for Security AND Service

Jump to…9) Rumors About Christianity Failing Last Week Largely Misunderstood

Jump to…10) Great List of Missions-focused Churches

Jump to…11) The Answer is: (How Many Missions Pastors are there?)

Jump to…12) How to Use New Media to Engage the Unreached

Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…

Jump to…14) The Last Bit: Nabil Qureshi (1983-2017)

Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Christian Outreach Resources for Children

Learn how to effectively minister to children through a variety of ways. Start reaching out to children by using a variety of skits, games, and a lot more. Improve the children’s ministry of your church by using different tools and resources. Effective outreach ministry starts by learning and using the right tools. Visit Christian Outreach Resources for Children at

They will lead you to the website that will help improve your ministry to kids.

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2) Perspectives – Yes, You Should Take It!


Perspectives has reached thousands of believers nationally and worldwide with the revelation of God’s global purpose for His glory to be known among all peoples. It transcends ethnocentric ideas about gospel penetration and mission, and exposes a fresh and timeless message of hope for all peoples in all nations and affecting all generations. On-site courses begin January 2017, and online courses begin each month. For more information, go to

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3) What’s the Best Way to Help the Rohingya?

We’re not sure how the public is missing the plight of the Rohingya people from Burma/Myanmar, fleeing across the muddy borderlands into the Chittagong Hill tracts of subsistence farmers in Bangladesh, but it sure doesn’t feel like to us that their plight is being noticed by the masses. The Rohingya are landing there with no food and only the clothing on their backs. There’s little to no housing for them (now that 700,000 have arrived), no hope, little help, and no identity. What kind of future can they anticipate? To learn more, check out the zillions of news video documentaries like this 30-minute view into their lives:

So what’s your opinion on why or how the public is missing out on this suffering? (Maybe they’re distracted by other catastrophes elsewhere?) And have you heard of any great way to be of service to them?

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4) Scatter Global Hopes to Train and Link Global BAM Workers

Thinking about trying a job overseas for the sake of the Kingdom? Try…

They hope to train you, connect you to the big picture network, then coach you toward success. Join us in giving thanks that there are more networks like these available to worldwide workers across the planet.

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5) By 2050, 30% of the World Will Live in Rural Areas & Villages

Yikes. So what will have happened to the rest of the world? They will all have moved to the city. All 70% of them. We HAVE to become better at understanding and, dare we say, ‘fixing’ the city and all its challenges. In fact, cities like Dhaka (pop density = 73,000 per sq. mi) and Manila (107,000/sq. mi) are facing seemingly insurmountable odds already — with everything from traffic congestion to housing. For pictures and more, see…

Do you live in one of the world’s 40 largest cities (those with populations of 10 million or more)? Do you see these struggles daily? If so, please click “Comment” following the web version of this item and share a quick story about the challenges you face there. Thanks in advance for any help you can give. (Thanks Linda!)

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6) When I Grow Up, I Want to Make Maps Like These


How can you get to know countries like the USA — and the world? You can read about them in books, of course — or see them in maps like these..

Who are the highest paid employees (coaches or teachers)? How fast and where have Walmart stores grown? How many meth labs are there per county in which states? Which countries have the most overweight people? Which lands have the most people in jail? So much to learn and so little time to learn it. (Thank you Tim!)

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7) Ethno LA Raises the Bar for Studies on MegaCities

Jerome Hannaman, Gerry Gutierriz, Don Overstreet and Kallie-Jo Ho have done a super job on “Ethno LA: Reaching the Nations, Tongues, and People of the Greater Los Angeles Metro Area.” Our only regret about this book is that we don’t have similar works yet for the other 39 or so cities with 10 million or more population. This is a brand new work (in fact, it’s not actually released yet; the copy we’re holding here is a pre-release review copy), slated to be available in October. Packed with profiles of every significant ethnicity in the metro area, plus maps and more, this beautiful 182-page work would look great on your coffee table (do people still have coffee tables?). The print is incredibly clear (plenty large for eyes of all ages) and, frankly, it’s an extremely professional production with color that ‘pops.’ If I were a megachurch pastor in L.A., I would ask my staff to pray through this book one profile at a time, one day at a time. In fact, even though I’m NOT a megachurch pastor in L.A., I’m still going to pray through it — because… Should we not be concerned with the welfare of this city? It will be premiered at the Finishing the Task event in December in L.A. as well. But you can get a sneak peak at this secret new website…

You’re going to love this book.

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8) Galactic Communications Gets Good Marks for Security AND Service

We received multiple comments, both public and private, about our item last week regarding Galactic Communications (Item #4, What Do We Know About Galactic Communications?). The comments were uniformly positive — that not only is Galactic trustworthy and secure, but they’re also the real deal service-wise too. One informant clued us in on the group that runs Galactic. Extremely trustworthy. Learn more about their services at…

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9) Rumors About Christianity Failing Last Week Largely Misunderstood


If you thought that last week’s item, “Is Christianity Failing? If so, Why?,” was aimed at the whole world, please forgive. The researcher who submitted the item is himself South Asia and he still resides there today. We believe the ultimate aim of his request, “Is Christianity Failing,” was to discover why it’s possible that Christianity seems to be declining in parts of the Western world. His goal in researching this question was to do whatever possible to avert any similar failure in the Global South, where Christianity is indeed growing quite rapidly. Christianity might not be the fastest growing world religion worldwide, (that honor goes to Islam, because of biological growth, primarily), but it is likely the fastest growing world religion when considering solely conversion growth (and ignoring biological growth). These statistics are available broadly and have appeared in Perspectives courses now (Lesson 9) for two decades or more. So we applaud this gentleman’s search for truth and we look forward to any additional substantive theories about the decline of Christianity in the West. See the original item and the multiple accompanying comments at…

So, to summarize, the original submitter of the request was anything but ethnocentric or prideful about the West. He doesn’t even live there. He’s just trying to learn from the past — so he can help us all avoid repeating it. If that helps spur on additional comments, please add to the thread at the original location. Thanks.

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10) Great List of Missions-focused Churches


If you missed our request last week for the greatest mission-focused churches ever, it’s not too late to see what some other Brigada participants are posting. Just glance at…

Please add to the list there until we make it to 100. Thanks!

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11) The Answer is: (How Many Missions Pastors are there?)


Last week, we also asked how many missions pastors there were in the USA (world) right now. There were a couple of responses, the second of which (thank you Ted Esler!) seems spot-on. If your opinion differs from Ted (gasp), please add to the thread there…

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12) How to Use New Media to Engage the Unreached


Mission Media U (MMU) is an online learning platform designed to train Christians to be more effective in making disciples and establishing churches. Their course, “Foundations of Media Strategy,” is starting November 2, and running through December 7. Each week in the 5-week course requires 3 hours of work per week including a one-hour live instruction session. For more information, go to:

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13) We’re Grateful for…


…The caring people behind Children’s Outreach Resources, who sent $50 to help speed Brigada on its way to thousands of mobilizers, missionaries, and church leaders around the world. Thank you and God bless!
…Perspectives in Louisville, KY, for sending a $100 gift to Brigada. God bless you and may Perspectives courses all around the world keep growing!!! To learn more about this course that helps you the world from God’s perspective, click to…

Would you consider joining with them in empowering Brigada to the nations? Do you think your church would consider sending a one-time gift to multiply the capacity of each of the thousands of churches, organizations, and individuals who receive Brigada? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017)

Last week, we asked for prayer for Nabeel Qureshi (in the item, “Author of ‘Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus’ Needs Your Prayers”). Unfortunately, we’re so sorry to have to report that he passed away on Saturday, Sept. 16. His loss will be widely and deeply felt among all those who desire to see Muslims come to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord.

We first heard about Nabil from field workers who were implementing disciple-making movement principles overseas. They were using Nabeel’s writings as a significant part of their ministries, seeing fruit from their labor. A portion of their work was being significantly (and positively) impacted by Nabil’s writings and testimonies. He will be missed. Learn more about his remarkable life in sites like these:

Did Nabil make a contribution to your own life? If so, please say something about that contribution as a memorial here. We’ll make sure these are seen by Michelle and Ayah. Thank you in advance for your words.

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