Brigada Today 2017/08/27
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

Jump to…1) Multiplying Movement Podcast
Jump to…2) Support Raising Solutions Can Help You Achieve 100% of Your Budget!
Jump to…3) Webinar: How to Use AR/VR in Your Ministry to Tell Better Stories
Jump to…4) Get Professional Tefl Certificate Online To Get Job Overseas
Jump to…5) Your Favorite Super-Secure Email Service?
Jump to…6) Use this Approach to Become More Efficient and Effective
Jump to…7) Check out This Free Course to Overcome Internet (& More) Addictions
Jump to…8) Your Take on the Book, “From Cairo to Christ” ???
Jump to…9) We Asked About the Origin of the Phrase “Member Care” Recently
Jump to…10) Know Someone Who Needs Recovery From an Addiction to a Vice?
Jump to…11) If You Live in These 7 States in the USA, The Clock is Ticking…
Jump to…12) Want to submit an item for Brigada?
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: How do YOU Define Disciple Making?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Multiplying Movement Podcast


The Multiplying Movement Podcast features conversations on multiplying disciple making in the every day of life. They invite people to share their stories of God multiplying His purposes through relationships, describing the DNA of disciple-making movements that are emerging globally. Check them out at…

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2) Support Raising Solutions Can Help You Achieve 100% of Your Budget!


The goal at Support Raising Solutions is to flood the nations with spiritually healthy, vision-driven and fully-funded Great Commission workers. Are you struggling with raising support? They use biblical and relational support raising methods to equip you and help you reach your ministry assignment quickly. For more information, visit…

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3) Webinar: How to Use AR/VR in Your Ministry to Tell Better Stories

Join Saddleback Church Online Campus Pastor Jay Kranda and L. Michelle, part of the first group of Google Glass Explorers and creator of the VR environment for Stories of Faith, on September 6, 8 AM, PT. Visual Story Network is hosting this webinar for faith leaders striking out into the unchartered territories of the AR/VR world. For more information and to register, visit…

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4) Get Professional Tefl Certificate Online To Get Job Overseas

Now you can receive training online to teach English to arriving refugees or to obtain genuine work abroad. With this approach, you can start anytime in the school year. ConnecTEFL is an affordable 120-hour teaching English as a foreign language certification program. The course can be taken online anywhere in the world. The certificate meets the globally accepted TESOL International short-term certificate standards.
See site for more info:

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5) Your Favorite Super-Secure Email Service?


It’s been some time since we looked at super-secure email services. And since we all know (or at least suspect) that Microsoft and Google have both made a deal with the devil, so to speak (in that certain governments have forced their hand, refusing to give bandwidth unless Microsoft and Google would give them a backdoor into email accounts (if for no other reason than in the name of fighting terrorism), what super-secure email service might you recommend to workers today (if they positively have to keep things on the down low)? Maybe Hushmail has finally managed to modernize a bit?

Are they the standard against which all other services are judged? What’s YOUR opinion?

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6) Use this Approach to Become More Efficient and Effective


One Brigada user recently commented that his role for some time has been to help his organization improve in efficiency and effectiveness. “This has been my line of work for many years, starting in 1994 when I first learned about “Lean”

while earning my PhD at MIT. Based largely upon the Toyota Production System, Lean is “the” approach these days for all industries to pursue excellence through solving problems and eliminating the waste that hinder value creation for the customer. And it aligns with Christian principles and biblical concepts.” If you try Lean, please remember to let us know your take on how it works for you. (Thanks Andrew!)

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7) Check out This Free Course to Overcome Internet (& More) Addictions

Because certain filters will kick in if we mention the other kinds of addictions that go along with the internet, all we can say is — this course, according to Brigada participant Alex (Thanks Alex!) will help you wage war against certain internet addictions that involve the eye itself. Please check it out if you can, then let us know your take on its level of helpfulness. Also, please let us know your experience with getting hooked up with the learning platform (Crosswired).

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8) Your Take on the Book, “From Cairo to Christ” ???

What’s your take on the book, “From Cairo to Christ” ? The author apparently grew up in Cairo as an ordinary Egyptian Muslim. He was deeply embedded in his family, religion, and country. For a time he was part of the Muslim Brotherhood. But as he came of age, he began to encounter people who followed a different way, who called themselves Christians. And a radically new life became possible at great cost and risk, yet with great joy. If you’ve read it, please click Comment following the web version of this item. It’s available on sale for $13.60 at World Christian Bookstore here..

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9) We Asked About the Origin of the Phrase “Member Care” Recently

We wondered where this term might have originated. One contributor responded, “There was a book published first in February, 1991 titled, “Serving As Senders: How to CARE for your Missionaries While they are preparing to go, While they are on the field and When they come home.” The author recently commented to Brigada, “We have come to like to use the phrase Paul used in commending the people in the church of Philippi: ‘I thank God every time I pray for you, for it brings back to my remembrance how you have been PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL from the very first day even until now.’ They never traveled with him, yet he called them partners. … Different tasks; different responsibilities-yet PARTNERS in the accomplishment of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A LOT has happened in this area of missionary (member) care since that date! To the glory of God! AND, to the better care of missionaries!” (God bless you Neal Pirolo!) If you’d like to order an updated copy of Neal’s book, you can find it on Amazon, by the way, at…

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10) Know Someone Who Needs Recovery From an Addiction to a Vice?


Check out…

The ministry provides counsel, resources and encouragement to men and women who are experiencing the emotional trauma of a broken relationship with their partner. They primarily provide help for couples who have experienced a partner’s betrayal due to an addiction to viewing the wrong stuff on the internet (or elsewhere) or trauma from other issues. They’ve helped people both in the USA and overseas.

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11) If You Live in These 7 States in the USA, The Clock is Ticking…

If you live in WA, MT, MN, MO, KY, PA, or ME, the clock is ticking on your driver’s license. After January 22nd, 2018, the TSA will no longer accept driver’s licenses from these states unless something changes in the next year. So you’ll literally need a passport to fly – even domestically! Check it out at Homeland Security’s website…

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12) Want to submit an item for Brigada?

It’s easy. Just use the form at…

We usually publish on a first-in, first-out basis. (We’ll be honest: We’re so grateful for those who give to help pay the bills, we bump them up to the top of the queue, so their items appear first.)

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13) We’re Grateful for…

… a gift of $184.71 from Insurance Services of America (ISA) because Brigada participants booked travel insurance with them from groups like God’s Children International, TIME Ministries, and Rez Church. You see, every time you give ISA a chance to book insurance with you, if you tell them you’re referred by Brigada, or if you use the website,
They send a portion of your payment as a gift to Brigada. So thank you ISA!!!

Would you consider joining with them in empowering Brigada to the nations? Do you think your church would consider sending a one-time gift to multiply the capacity of each of the thousands of churches, organizations, and individuals who receive Brigada? It’s easy to give. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ through Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: How do YOU Define Disciple Making?

Have you noticed that the term, “discipleship” or disciple-making doesn’t really have a standardized definition? For example, some trainers refer to it more along the lines of a Bible College degree in one’s personal spiritual walk…

while others utilize the term to refer to an action- or obedience-orientation. For example, check out…

What’s YOUR definition of disciple making and how would you distinguish it from others’ definition? Please click Comment after the web version of this item… and thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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