Brigada Today 2017/06/25
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at

In this issue…

Jump to…1) Nepal Christian Resources
Jump to…2) Online Counseling for Christian Global Workers
Jump to…3) Reconciliation and Peacemaking Studies
Jump to…4) Family Education Conference for Global workers
Jump to…5) Is Your Computer Protected Against this New Ransomware?
Jump to…6) TESOL Training in Asia
Jump to…7) How Much Life Insurance Does Your Group Recommend?
Jump to…8) Suppose You Wanted to Learn to Speak Somali. One Person’s Answer:
Jump to…9) The Culture Map (Book) Might Unlock Cultural Clashes
Jump to…10) Missionary Singles Download Link (Corrected)
Jump to…11) Videos Designed to Mentor Missions Advocates
Jump to…12) Why Can’t We Catalogue Videos Like the Seventh-Day Adventists?
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for . . .
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: How to Combine CHE with DMM?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Nepal Christian Resources

Visit the new Nepal Christian Resources website where you will find information on Audio Bibles, Bibles, New Testaments, Commentaries, Bibles Online, Books, Correspondence Courses, Music, DVDs, Pastor Training and more.

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2) Online Counseling for Christian Global Workers

GRC is now providing their professional counseling and assessment/consult services online for Christian global workers anywhere outside the U.S. They use video/tele-conferencing platforms that ensure confidentiality and security. Check out their website to get started!

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3) Reconciliation and Peacemaking Studies

The International School of Reconciliation Studies, an online school for leaders, is celebrating it’s 14th year! Learn from reconcilers around the world who are creating peace. Tuition is currently waived. This self paced school is beginning a new cohort. Check out. . .

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4) Family Education Conference for Global workers

This conference focuses on families who are educating their children cross-culturally. Organizers invite you to participate in a program designed for each family member.
*** Seminars for parents will assist you in making informed education decisions for your family.
*** Consult individually with educators and counselors who care about your family’s unique needs.
*** Achievement and diagnostic testing in English will be available for children and teens.
*** Quality programs for children teens
Learn more at . . .

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5) Is Your Computer Protected Against this New Ransomware?

On June 27th, Microsoft began detecting a new malware called Petya ransomware. It’s said to be more dangerous than “Wannacry.” Learn more at . . .

Fortunately, anyone running Windows Defender and Norton Security is already protected from this new variant, which uses the Eternal Blue exploit in Windows computers.

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6) TESOL Training in Asia

Now you can get TESOL training designed for those in ministry set at a ministry budget. Asean Center for TESOL offers an intensive, five-week course leading to a TESOL certificate in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Get classes, community experience, and lots of guidance – and a certificate – all at the same time. And it’s cheaper to fly out and take this course than it is to take the same course in N.A.! For an application forms or more information, email . . . or see . . .

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7) How Much Life Insurance Does Your Group Recommend? specializes in international health and life insurance for missionaries worldwide. Term life plans are available for individuals as well as groups. Most international travel medical and expatriate plans have at least $50,000 of coverage for return of remains. For more information, visit . . .

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8) Suppose You Wanted to Learn to Speak Somali. One Person’s Answer:

We asked recently about how one might learn to speak Somali. Here was one Brigada participant’s answer – which seemed fairly novel to us.
“I would find a mother tongue speaker of Somali to volunteer to add their language to the His Hands Reader. It only takes 30 hours. Then I would use the resulting His Hands Reader quad-lingual video dictionary on my smart phone to begin learning the vocabulary. Then go to Somalia and open a school to teach kids Somali and English using the videos.

“My interaction with the kids using the restricted vocabulary set of the His Hands Reader mother tongue literacy system would give me the relational practice to advance in simple grammar, with the added benefit that the kids learn to read Somali and English faster than me. All the hearing kids will “accidentally” learn hand signs and can go home and teach their deaf sibling who does not have a chance to learn otherwise. Now use Mandarin, Spanish, etc. as the 4th language in the quad-lingual video. This opens the door for others who speak those languages to join me in learning Somali. And the Somali kids can start learning Chinese. 😉 In 30 hours this can be done for any language — Not just Somali.”

Learn more at . . .

(Thanks for the response, Bob!)

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9) The Culture Map (Book) Might Unlock Cultural Clashes

Thanks to Gretchen for recommending to us recently a book called, “The Culture Map,” by Erin Meyer. It reportedly provides a new way forward, with vital insights for working effectively and sensitively with one’s counterparts cross-culturally. Learn more at . . .

(Thanks Gretchen!)

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10) Missionary Singles Download Link (Corrected)

In case you missed it in our earlier edition, the correct download link for the free eBook about missionary singles issues should have been

Our apologies for any inconvenience.

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11) Videos Designed to Mentor Missions Advocates

Wow – what a great treasure trove of mentoring and “thought” videos! See the growing collection at . . .

They’re relevant, current, and thought-provoking. They apply all kinds of up-to-date concepts to missions mobilization. And they’re all FREE! Thanks to Bevin and anyone else who has made possible these Globalcast mentoring spots!

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12) Why Can’t We Catalogue Videos Like the Seventh-Day Adventists?

Gotta love the Seventh-Day Adventists and their work of staging missions videos. Check ’em out at . . .

Why is it that they can churn out near-weekly videos and other churches, orgs and agencies seem to require such a long turn-around?

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13) We’re Grateful for . . .

. . . $50 from a friend of Brigada who wanted to speed Brigada on its way to thousands of mobilizers and missionaries worldwide. Thank you!
. . . $100 from an appreciative Wycliffe member, for whom we are extremely grateful.
. . . $50 from GRC in support of Global Workers around the world. God bless you!

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14) The Last Bit: How to Combine CHE with DMM?

Many of us have fallen in love with DMM (Disciple Making Movement principles and strategies)… and others have invested heavily in CHE (Community Health Evangelism). But how would one effectively marry the two — and what are some of the issues in trying to do both at once?

For a brief intro to CHE, visit…

and take a course somewhere. Perhaps the TOT1 course is the “standard.”

For a brief intro to DMM, visit…


See, for example, …

But it feels like we need much more thought and attention given to this subject — especially since CHE just might be one of the most highly-respected approaches in missions today… and DMM might be one of the most popular evangelistic approaches. Right? So how would YOU go about trying to ‘merge’ the two??? If you have any thoughts, please click “Comment” after the web version of this item. And thanks in advance for any input you can offer.

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