TCM News Brief
 March 2018
Taking Christ to Millions by Training Christians for Ministry
Greetings on this early spring day! I pray each of you has had a good winter and that you are looking forward to what God has planned for your life the next few months.
TCM has had a busy winter as staff has prepared for the 2018 academic year and prepared Haus Edelweiss to receive guests. Classes for 2018 have begun with eight already completed at in-country Mentoring Centers.
TCM’s Regional Representatives gathered in January to meet one another, pray together, and share plans and ideas for TCM’s vision of engaging every nation. For a few it was their first time to be at Haus Edelweiss and for all it was a time of spiritual and physical refreshment. To hear from a few of the Regional Representatives who were there, click HERE.
In late February a group of seven men and women served on the Winter Work Crew at Haus Edelweiss, completing more than 60 large and small projects. Among the projects, batteries were replaced in all smoke detectors, several new light fixtures were hung, carpet was replaced in the Patio Classroom and Big Haus lounge, and the Big Haus second floor shared bathroom was totally renovated. Many thanks go to Jim Poer, Larry Ritter, Ken Beckwith, Rich Hamilton, Darrell McCarty, Celeste Robbins, and Chris Smith for their long hours and hard work!
On March 18 Short-term Workers will be departing the U.S. to serve during Session 1 at Haus Edelweiss. Please be praying for them as they travel and settle in to serve the professors and students who will be there. Be praying for the professors and students, their ministries and families as the following courses are being completed:
  • History of Christian Theology 2 taught by Sorin Badragan
  • Marriage and Family Life Education taught by Jim Buckley
  • Research Methods taught by Yulia Lubenets
  • Transforming Leadership taught by Timotei Rusu
Moving through 2018 we invite you to be part of the Engaging Every Nationcampaign. With opportunities to deepen relationships in areas already served, broaden relationships in under-served areas, and expand into new areas comes the need for added financial resources. Please prayerfully consider making a three-year intention above and beyond your regular giving to TCM to advance the vision that every nationwill have effective leaders of disciple-making movements impacting their churches, cultures, and countries for Christ.
Blessings on your journey,
Soon after becoming a Christ-follower Tomass was reading through the book of Acts and felt God’s call to be involved in a church that lived out a missional lifestyle. There wasn’t a church like that near him, so he along with other like-minded people started a missional community that grew into a church. Today he is one of the leaders in that church in Riga, the capital city of Latvia.
One of the visions of their church is to change   
the mindsets of people helping them to better
understand the church is the people and not a
building or a once-a-week gathering. They work
to build relationships with non-Christians by
going to coffee shops and meeting people where
their lives are.
For Tomass his TCM education has given him a
broader perspective on various theological issues.
This helps him to be more open-minded to various
worldviews and ideas, which helps him to have
constructive dialogues with non-believers.
Each day Tomass sets his alarm for 10:02 – the “10 2 b virus.” In Luke 10:2 we read Jesus’ words, “Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Tomass asks that we join with his church leaders to pray that even more people will become leaders and reach out to the people of Latvia in the name of Jesus.
Walker Lecture Breakfast
Indianapolis, Indiana
In honor of Dean E. Walker, the European Evangelistic Society (EES) and
                       TCM International Institute (TCM) will host
            the Walker Lecture Breakfast at the 2018 NACC
Thursday, June 28, 2018
7:30 AM – 09:00 AM
Westin, Grand Ballroom 1
Downtown Indianapolis