The Early Bird Special ends Friday. Donโ€™t miss out. Register Now!
Register now!
Join us prior to the Mission Leader’s Conference at either or both of these key events to consider global trends, case studies and specific partnership challenges and opportunities. We’ll give particular attention both to the role of the North American church and to collaboration between church, agency, and Majority World.

NETWORK ASSEMBLY: September 19, 9am-4pm, cost $70 includes lunch
PRE-CONFERENCE: September 19 (7-9pm) and 20 (8am-12pm) cost $54 both sessions(to register, click the button below, go to the "schedule" tab, scroll to
workshop tracks and scroll down to "register now" when you’re ready.)

More Info and Register
William Carey Library wants to give a gift to our agency friends. So we are offering this deal:
North American Missions Handbook

  1. $15 each for 100, or
  2. $12 each for 200 or more copies!

Email publishing with quantity, shipping address, and billing information by June 30, 2018.

Order the ultimate mission agency tool to:
โ€ข Motivate Church Partners with the missions research.
โ€ข Impress Donors by highlighting all the places you work in the world.
โ€ข Equip your Staff to collaborate with other agencies to finish the task!
This is a one-time offer and opportunity, take up on it while you can!
Leader’s Edge Book Summary &
Author Interview
Pipeline: Engaging the Church in Missionary Mobilization

David J. and Lorene Wilson

This book argues for a fully integrated global supply chain โ€“ a pipeline โ€“ that includes disciples as the precious commodity and an effective infrastructure to distribute and replicate them around the globe.

(Watch for an upcoming webinar from David and Lorene on this same subject!)

Read the entire Summary
Listen to the Author Interview
How Diaspora Ready Are You?

July 13-14, 2018 in Orlando, Florida
Facilitated by John Baxter and Jeff Moody, Missio Nexus Advisors for Diaspora Ministry Initiatives

This event is for missions agency leaders committed to diaspora engagement, or for mission agency diaspora specialists, who desire to evaluate their agenciesโ€™ readiness to fruitfully engage in diaspora missions.

Learn more & register
Research Update
Missio Nexus is launching a new study on CEO Annual Reviews
In 2011, a nationwide report was released which showed that only 49% of CEOs have a review on an annual basis. In this new CEO survey, we anticipate discovering not only how often these take place within the North American missionsโ€™ community but also what are the questions and process. This 6-8-minute survey will provide insights that will inform boards and CEOs, plus help Missio Nexus discern how to serve you more effectively and practically in this arena.
The study will take place over the summer of 2018 with results released at the 2018 Mission Leaders Conference in September.
Take part in survey
LEARN what you cannot learn anywhere else
MEET people you otherwise won’t meet
ENGAGE in a community like none other
