Sat, 27 Jun 2015 17:12:33 GMT

Greetings from a cooler Honduras!!


Thanks to Bill and Mark Hoff, fixing our computer, we are doing E-mail again but out on our front porch.  But that is an improvement.  Thanks Bill and Mark.


We are doing fine and enjoying some cooler weather and have had a lot of rain which we really needed.


Since I don’t know how long this will last, will make this update short.


Things continue to go well at Church and Madonna is happy that with different members of the congregation taking turns doing the Bible School lesson, she has not taught now for over a month.  We are doing all we can to encourage the members of our congregation and so many of them are really growing in the Lord.


John’s last project was doing some plumbing as a valve to one of our water tanks broke and he had to replace it.  That is not his favorite thing to do, but he did a good job.


Madonna continues to bake cakes for the women in the congregation on their birthdays.  She only had two to do in June.


The clinic has not been as busy this month, so it looks like we will have less for the month that we had last year.


We recently enjoyed a visit from Bob Devoe of Lifeline Christian Mission and Carlos Cojon who serves at the orphanage in Omoa.  Later Bob sent us a new food processor which we badly needed.  The one we had had for 27 years had some cracks in the container which Madonna had taped.  Thanks friends of Lifeline.


We enjoyed having Bill, Mark, Joy, Katrina and Caleb Hoff here for a meal earlier this month.  That was when Bill and Mark worked on our E-mail.


It was good to catch up on messages we had and thank you for writing and for your prayers.


In His Love,  John and Madonna