Dear Friends,


I will try this, hoping the internet stays on.  Sorry we have not been i contact, but our Internet is not working most of the time.


This has been a blessed Resurrection Sunday.  We had a sunrise service at 5 A.M, with over 50 people in attendance and following the service we rejoiced when Kevin, Belkis and Cintia were baptized.  Kevin  is the son of Madonna’s nurse; Belkis is the daughter of Eda faithful lady whose husband left her, but does help her some with mone for food and Cintia is a fourth generation Christian,


After the baptismal service, everyone enjoyed the pumpkin bread Madonna had made,


This has been busy week for both John and Madonna, as John has been painting the ceiling and the walls of our bedroom and Madonna has baked three cakes for birthdays and four loaves of pumpkin bread for the sunrise service.


We are fine and thank you for your prayers.


In His Love,  John and Madonn