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This is an update and current –  PRAYER REQUEST

From Tom & Sandie Kilian – South Sudan erupted into war when a small skirmish among the presidential guard gave birth to tribal conflict. The result has yielded over 800 dead, 30,000 refugees and sporadic gun fighting. 2 close relatives of our native field operatives are dead and we expect more casualties of those close to us.  

– I along with my colleagues in South Sudan request your prayers for peace. We will do our utmost to represent Christ love through spreading the Victory message as we beg our lord for more time to reach the lost. We have worked in conflict since 2010, and this has been the worst experience since communication and transportation has been greatly compromised. Our school of 600 students is of great concern as well as all of South Sudan.  As of 10:30 EST There is fighting in5 of the 10 States in South Sudan

1) The most we can do is PRAY – those specifically led may call us at 1 910 920 0004 or sign up for our Tuesday Prayer Partners at http://dm-mailinglist.com/subscribe?f=212ee9db 


2) You may also PARTNER with us. – As communication and transport is restored, we will mobilize aid to the worst hit areas. Our native evangelists are able to respond with the Mercy of Christ in a quick fashion. We want to be ready for this opportunity. – 

Contributed online at www.mercy-partners.org

or by mail : 
PO BOX 236, COLUMBIA NC 27925 

( Last year 91% of contributions went direct to life changing projects).

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