Dear far flung friends and family,

May the light of our God and Savior guide you each day as you walk with Him!

June started off with a huge blessing as we received Dale Mason, Scott Gribble, Tristan Bridges and Scott’s grandson Connor for a special visit.  Few people make it to our corner of God’s Harvest Field so when they do it’s a great celebration.  We were blessed to spend several days showing them a bit of the area and the work we are doing as well as dreaming together about how we can cooperate to raise up more leaders for God’s work around the globe.  Thank you guys for blessing us with your presence and fellowship!

Once we got our guests safely on the way to their homes once more it was time for yours truly to hit the road again.  This time it was to join with the Christian school in Villavicencio to celebrate the 5oth anniversary of the founding of the school. Martin Sanders very hospitably put me up and it was a great blessing to see brother Juan Pinzon and all the others involved with this great ministry. On Sunday they asked me to bring a message from God’s word for the congregation and we had a great time of fellowship.

We received a call from one of “our girls”.  Lucy lived with us for about 4 years as she finished high school and got started in college and her little sister lived with us about 2 years as well.  Their biological mother was ill and was operated on due to a growth in her heart. She did not survive the operation which caught the girls by surprise and they were devastated.  Sheri was able to travel immediately with Lucy’s husband on the bus and was able to spend the weekend with them, giving them a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear.  They told everyone, “This is our second mother.” as they introduced her to friends and family.

Thirty Years!!!
We had been planning a brief road trip to celebrate our 30th anniversary of our wedding as well as 30 years of full time ministry as a couple.  After the Sunday meeting I left  Pereira and Sheri left the town of Pitalito where she’d been with the girls.  Each traveling from different directions we met in the city of Popayán that evening, June 25th.  We traveled on down to Quito, Ecuador to visit the “Middle of the Earth” monument there as well as see some of the beauties of this neighboring country.  We enjoyed the change of pace and the beautiful look at God’s creation as we traveled, but it was good to get back home on June 30 and get back into the swing of ministry here.

Heartfelt gratitude
We are deeply grateful to God and to each of you who have been a part of our ministry over the years.  It’s hard to realize that it’s been three decades already serving the Lord as a couple here in South America.  So many challenges, so many blessings, so many triumphs, so many opportunities to point towards our God and Savior.  Thank you for being a part of our ministry!

In Christ,

Paul and Sheri Moreland

--   South American Christian Mission "... to prepare the saints..." Ephesians 4:12